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Content ID On YouTube, Other Creator/Artist Protection Tools


There are further ways to safeguard creators and artists, like content ID on YouTube.

The commitment they make to developing AI responsibly

AI is creating a plethora of opportunities and enabling artists to express themselves in novel and fascinating ways. At YouTube, they’re dedicated to making sure that other businesses and artists prosper in this dynamic environment. This entails giving people the instruments necessary to fully use AI’s creative potential while preserving their authority over the representation of their identity, including their voice and visage. currently creating new likeness management technologies to do this, which will protect them and open up new doors down the road.

Instruments they are creating

First, partners will be able to automatically identify and control artificial intelligence (AI)-generated video on YouTube that mimics their singing voices thanks to new synthetic-singing recognition technology created by Google under Content ID on YouTube. They are working with their partners to refine this technology, and early in the next year, a pilot program is scheduled.

Second, you’re working hard to build new technologies that will make it possible for individuals in a range of fields from artists and sports to actors and creators to recognize and control artificial intelligence (AI)-generated material on YouTube that features their faces. This, together with their most recent privacy changes, will provide a powerful toolkit to control the way AI is used to represent individuals on YouTube.

These two new capacities expand on their history of creating technology-driven strategies for large-scale rights concerns management. Since its launch in 2007, Content ID on YouTube has given rightsholders on YouTube granular control over their entire portfolios, processing billions of claims annually and bringing in billions more for artists and creators via the reuse of their creations. Currently determined to introduce the same degree of security and autonomy into the era of artificial intelligence.

Preventing unwanted access to material and giving users more control

It utilize material submitted to YouTube, as they have done for many years, to enhance the user experience for creators and viewers on both YouTube and Google, including via the use of AI and machine learning tools. Please adhere to the conditions set out by the founders in doing this. This includes building new generative AI capabilities like auto dubbing and supporting their Trust & Safety operations as well as enhancing their recommendation algorithms. Going ahead, it’s still dedicated to making sure that YouTube material is utilized appropriately across Google or YouTube for the creation of their AI-powered solutions.

Regarding third parties, including those who would attempt to scrape YouTube material, they have made it quite clear that gaining illegal access to creator content is against their Terms of Service and lessens the value they provide to creators in return for their labor. Help keep taking steps to make sure that third parties abide by these rules, such as making continuous investments in the systems that identify and stop illegal access, all the way up to banning access for scrapers.

Having said that, they understand that as the field of generative AI develops, artists could want greater control over the terms of their partnerships with other businesses to produce AI tools. Currently creating new methods to offer YouTube creators control over how other parties may utilize their video on their platform because of this. Later this year, it will be able to reveal more.

Using Community Guidelines & AI Tools

The experimental Dream Screen for Shorts and other new generative AI tools on YouTube provide artists with new and interesting avenues to express their creativity and interact with their audience. The creative process is still in the creators’ control; they direct the tools’ output and choose what information to disclose.

Google commitment to building a responsible and secure community includes handling information produced by artificial intelligence. AI-generated material has to follow their Community Guidelines, just like any other YouTube video. In the end, creators are in charge of making sure their published work complies with these criteria, regardless of where it came from.

They’ve added safety features to their AI tools to help developers navigate it regulations and avoid any possible abuse. This implies that suggestions that break the rules or deal with delicate subjects may be blocked. They urge artists to thoroughly check AI-generated work before posting it, just as they would in any other scenario, even if their main objective is to inspire creativity. Google recognize they may not always get it right, especially in the early days of new goods, so they welcome input from creators.

Fostering creativity in people

They think that as AI develops, human creativity should be enhanced rather than replaced. Currently determined to collaborate with others to make sure that their opinions are heard in future developments, and it will keep creating safeguards to allay worries and accomplish their shared objectives. Since the beginning, they have concentrated on giving companies and artists the tools they need to create vibrant communities on YouTube, as well as still prioritize creating an atmosphere that encourages responsible innovation.

S3 Standard IA And Other Types of S3 Storage Classes

There are seven different possibilities for Amazon S3 storage classes including S3 Standard IA. You can only pay for what you use with this approach, which helps you scale your data storage with your business demands.

You may tailor your approach to cloud storage with S3 storage classes. Users can only utilize the storage they actually need thanks to the seven tiers that make up the storage class, each of which has a specific purpose to fulfill. We shall talk about the following:

  • S3 Storage Classes: What Are They?
  • How Does S3 Storage Work?
  • A Breakdown of Each S3 Tier
  • S3 and Seagate Lyve Cloud

What Are the S3 storage classes ?

Simply said, S3 storage, also known as Simple Storage Service, is a huge data storage service. S3 is very scalable and has seven layers, so it can hold and access data for users for a long time. S3 is an online cloud storage service that was created especially for archiving and data backups.

How Do You Use S3 Storage?

As previously indicated, S3 data is stored as objects to enable extremely scalable storage. A user will create what’s called a bucket in order to store these objects. S3 makes use of the following features in addition to buckets, which have an infinite capacity to store objects:

  • Unlimited storage with elastic scalability
  • Adaptable data format for data retrieval and organization
  • Downloading data to allow for internal sharing inside your company
  • Permissions: To safeguard data, only grant access to specific individuals
  • S3 Adapters

The user has the ability to choose the region in which they want to deploy their bucket when they create it. Subsequently, the S3 objects, or data, are uploaded to the bucket, which functions as a data storage container. The amount of things that can be stored in buckets is unlimited, and each bucket and object is given a unique identification number.

The user selects the type of S3 storage class to be used, based on the intended usage of the data. This procedure is automated, only billing for the actual amount used, and scaling based on activity.

Types of S3 Storage Classes

There are seven distinct S3 storage levels that may be used to conveniently meet diverse needs for cost, protection, and data storage and access. Both people and large and small businesses use them. The classes are available for selection based on the workload of the individual, who may have particular needs related to data access, data protection, economic considerations, or resilience. The varieties that are recognized are:

  • S3 Standard
  • S3 Intelligent-Tiering
  • S3 Standard-Infrequent Access (S3 Standard IA)
  • S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access (S3 One Zone-IA) S3 Standard IA
  • S3 Outposts
  • Glacier
  • Glacier Deep Archive

Comparing the S3 Storage Classes

S/NStorage ClassAims to AchieveBest Use Case
1S3 StandardIdeal storage for frequently accessed dataCloud applications, dynamic websites, content distribution, mobile and gaming applications, and big data analytics
2S3 Intelligent-TieringOptimising storage cost by automatically moving users’ accounts to the most cost-effective tierData lakes, data analytics, and user-generated content
3S3 Standard IAFor data that is accessed less frequently, but requires immediate access when neededLong-term data storage, backup, data store for data recovery files
4S3 One Zone-IAThe storage of infrequently accessed data at a 20% lower cost than S3 Standard IAStoring secondary backup copies of on-premises data or easily re-creatable data
5S3 OutpostsDelivery of object storage in Outpost environmentsWorkloads with local data residency requirements
6GlacierDelivering low-cost storage for archives that are accessed one-to-two times per yearArchived data that needs immediate access, such as medical images, news media assets, or user-generated content
7Glacier Deep ArchiveLong-term retention and preservation of dataCustomers in healthcare, public sectors, and financial services; disaster recovery cases and backups

The Seven S3 Storage Class Types Explained

S3 Standard

For data that is accessed frequently, the S3 Standard storage type is very adaptable and perfect. Multiple sites for data storage are possible with S3 Standard. It is performance-sensitive, widely available, and long-lasting for a range of applications. Because of its broad capabilities, it is the most costly.

When a user creates an account without specifying the type of storage to be utilized, S3 Standard is selected as the default storage. Without requiring an application update, objects can be migrated to different storage classes using the S3 Standard lifetime policies.

S3 Intelligent-Tiering

By automatically transferring your account to the most economical tier, S3 Intelligent-Tiering optimizes storage costs. By examining your access patterns, this is accomplished. It doesn’t, however, have an impact on retrieval prices or performance. Data having erratic access patterns can be stored in this form of storage. This kind of data persists throughout time and is kept in the enterprise’s system.

Two tiers are used in S3 Intelligent-Tiering. Data that is accessed frequently is stored in one, while data that is accessed less frequently and at a reduced cost is stored in another. Data is automatically migrated between the two layers for a period of thirty days, contingent upon the user’s behavior. Numerous workloads, including data analytics, data lakes, user-generated content, and more, can be handled by this kind of storage.

S3 Standard IA

Data that has to be accessible fast when needed but is not used frequently is stored in this form of storage. It is resilient to the loss of two facilities, much like the S3 standard. Multiple availability zones separated by distance are used to store its data. While it costs less per gigabyte for storage and retrieval, it performs, has low latency, and is very durable than the S3 Standard. The lifetime policies of the S3 Standard IA can be used to move objects to different storage classes without requiring an application update, just like those of the S3 Standard.

S3 One Zone-IA

Data is stored in a single availability zone by the S3 One Zone-IA, in contrast to other S3 storage classes that store data in up to three availability zones. S3 One Zone-IA, designed for rarely accessed data, is 20% less expensive than S3 Standard IA. Customers who don’t require the availability or resilience features of S3 Standard or S3 Standard IA but are searching for a less expensive choice for sporadic data access could utilize it.

Secondary backup copies of readily re-creatable data can be stored on the S3 One Zone-IA. Since S3 One Zone-IA stores its data in a single availability zone, it will lose it if the availability zone is deleted.

S3 OutPosts

This storage gives your Outposts access to S3 object storage capabilities. Data is redundantly stored via S3 Outposts for server and device recovery. Any data that is stored is known to be durable thanks to S3 Outposts. In addition to allowing authentication methods via S3 Access Points and IAM policies, the S3 Outposts have an encryption capability.

S3 and Lyve Cloud Storage

As an adjunct to current S3 storage, Seagate Lyve Cloud is a cloud-based object storage solution.

The language of cloud-based data storage is, in essence, standard S3 API. To convert this S3 language into scalable object storage, Lyve Cloud offers an intuitive interface that is simple to:

  • Keep for extended lengths of time (cold storage)
  • Obtain quickly when required
  • Backup and restore in conjunction with extra backup and recovery partners

With Seagate Lyve Cloud, enterprise applications can simply connect to internet-based apps and create private, hybrid, and multicloud data centers while still having access to large-scale data storage.

Enterprise AI: A Developer’s Guide to Seamless Adaptation


Enterprise AI

Expand AI solutions throughout your company to increase output and maintain a competitive edge. Check out list of resources at the conclusion of the piece.

The majority of developers got their start in academia, dabbling, or early-stage business. The enormity and difficulty of implementing a solution at an enterprise size quickly confront you whether you take on a professional role or bring a product from proof-of-concept to production. AI implementation at the corporate level is similar to switching from a bike to a high-performance sports vehicle in that it’s powerful, thrilling, and delicate to operate. We’ll go into detail in this article on how developers can use AI in huge enterprises in an efficient manner.

Understanding Enterprise AI

What is Enterprise AI?

The broad use of AI in a variety of business contexts to boost productivity, spur expansion, and forge competitive advantages is known as enterprise AI. Enterprise AI necessitates strong infrastructure, strategic alignment, and cross-functional cooperation, in contrast to small-scale or experimental AI programs. There are several important advantages to large-scale AI implementation, including:

  • Predictive analytics for better decision-making
  • Personalized services for better client experiences
  • Cost reduction and operational effectiveness
  • Innovation in goods and services

Setting the Foundation

Evaluating Business Opportunities and Needs

Finding business needs and opportunities where AI can have the biggest impact is the first step in applying AI. When implementing solutions in an organization, as opposed to an academic or hobbyist project, it is necessary to establish precise objectives and calculate the return on investment of the suggested solution. Solutions in the enterprise, outside of research labs, must be connected, either directly or indirectly, to generating money for the business. You could perform an analysis that includes the following in order to ascertain this:

  • Determining which business processes require change and where AI could provide a special value addition.
  • Carrying out a business impact analysis to ascertain the effects of your product on revenue or cost savings.
  • In order to ascertain whether the solution will have a timely impact on the market, business leaders will require a clear description of goals from conception to final delivery into production.
  • Obtaining funding for your solution from your product, finance, and/or R&D departments.

Creating a Multidisciplinary AI Group and Reaching Consensus

A varied team comprising data scientists, engineers, domain specialists, and business executives is necessary for the successful deployment of AI.

Cross-Functional AI Team and Getting Alignment
Image credit to Intel

Before starting the engineering process, your corporate AI team should address the following important considerations to ascertain appropriate alignment and viability:

“Is this something we should bring to market?

This important question must be posed to product and business leaders when evaluating a new tool, application, or feature.By identifying true end-user need, it helps prevent resources from being squandered on projects that don’t address market demands. As renowned Lean Startup author Eric Ries once remarked, “What if we found ourselves building something that nobody wanted? What difference did it make, therefore, if they completed it on schedule and within budget?

“How do we build this?”

As an engineer, you can make a contribution by outlining the architecture, the technology stack, and the plan for implementation. It’s also an essential phase in evaluating the project’s viability and coming up with a reasonable budget and schedule that complement the company’s goals.

“Are we considering domain-specific requirements?”

Domain expertise must be consulted to ensure your solution meets the needs of the field, industry, genre, or culture it serves. By guaranteeing that the solution is pertinent and meaningful to end users, domain expertise delivers non-generic value and makes the job truly effective.

Selecting Appropriate AI Technologies

Frameworks and Libraries

Selecting the right AI technology to use is a crucial next step after your team has reached consensus on business goals. The selection of appropriate AI tools and frameworks can significantly impact the outcome of any AI endeavor, as there is a wide range available. Some considerations to help you decide:

Libraries and Frameworks

Pick frameworks that fit your challenge and team’s experience. Businesses use PyTorch and TensorFlow for deep learning. Scikit-learn is popular for conventional machine learning, whereas XGBoost and LightGBM are good for structured data.

Many firms favor cloud-based AI solutions due to their scalability and ease of installation. AWS SageMaker, Google AI Platform, and Azure Machine Learning create, train, and deploy AI models. These platforms offer end-to-end services. On-premises solutions, however, could be required for highly regulated businesses because of data privacy issues.

Model Interpretability Tools

It’s crucial to comprehend how models generate predictions as AI plays a bigger role in decision-making. You may make sure that your AI systems are transparent and understandable to business executives as well as engineers by using tools like Explainable AI (XAI) libraries, SHAP, LIME, and others.

Unmentioned but yet crucial to take into account in order to enable AI technology is data infrastructure.

AI operationalization

Starting a model’s production is just the first step. To guarantee that models continue to function as intended, operationalizing AI necessitates continual administration, oversight, and iteration. The following are some methods for successfully operationalizing AI:

Monitoring and Alerting

AI models may experience problems during production, much like any other software system. These could include data drift, which is the process of a model’s performance declining as a result of changes in the input data distribution over time. Monitoring technologies like Azure’s Application Insights and Evidently AI can assist in identifying these problems early and notifying developers of them.

Retraining of Models

AI models require retraining over time in order to adapt to evolving data and business environments. By using an MLOps pipeline to automate this process, models may be kept current and correct without needing human interaction.

Explainability and Audits

AI models may be the subject of audits in highly regulated sectors like banking or healthcare. Make that there is a transparent audit record of data usage, training procedures, and decision-making outputs, and that the models are simply comprehensible.

Unmentioned but nonetheless crucial to take into account for operational AI is cooperation with IT and Azure DevOps.

Safety and Adherence

When implementing AI systems at an organizational scale, security and compliance are crucial. AI systems are frequently in charge of sensitive data, which makes them easy targets for hackers. To ensure legal and safe AI initiatives, follow these steps:

Data privacy

Adherence to laws such as the CCPA, GDPR, and HIPAA is essential. Make that your procedures for gathering, storing, and using data are transparent. When needed, put in place systems for data anonymization or pseudonymization.

Model Security

Results from adversarial attacks on AI models may be compromised. You may defend your models against these kinds of attacks by implementing strategies like differential privacy or adversarial training.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Use role-based access control, or RBAC, to limit who has access to sensitive information and model outputs. This adds another level of protection by guaranteeing that only authorized workers can view or edit AI models or datasets.

Enterprise AI implementation is a challenging but worthwhile endeavor. Through the implementation of appropriate technologies and a strategic strategy, companies can generate substantial benefits and stimulate innovation. Long-term success in AI will depend on keeping up with trends and emphasizing moral and responsible AI practices as the technology develops.

Explore our collection of resources

View our carefully selected content, which covers topics such as retrieval augmented generation (RAG) implementation, chances to construct and exploit microservices, and improving data utilization for enterprise-level application development using RAG methodologies for both aspiring and experienced Enterprise AI. Here, they go over the essential tactics and resources to assist developers in utilizing RAG’s potential to create AI solutions that are both scalable and significant.

What you will discover

  • Put retrieval augmented generation (RAG) into practice.
  • Determine the possibilities to use and develop microservices
  • Acknowledge chances to improve chances to use data to construct enterprise applications using RAG

How to begin

Step 1: View this video to learn how to use LangChain to run a RAG pipeline on Intel.

Guy Tamir, the Technical Evangelist at Intel, takes you through a straightforward explanation and a Jupyter notebook to carry out RAG, or retrieval-augmented generation, on Intel hardware with the help of LangChain and OpenVINO acceleration.

Step 2: Developing a ChatQnA Application Service in

ChatQnA Application Service
Image credit to Intel

Using LangChain, Redis VectorDB, and Text Generation Inference, this ChatQnA use case runs RAG on an Intel Xeon Scalable CPU or Intel Gaudi 2 AI accelerator. Specifically for LLMs, the Intel Gaudi 2 accelerator facilitates deep learning model training and inference.

Step 3: Attend the OPEA Community Days with professionals and other community members.

 OPEA Community Days
Image credit to Intel

The goal of OPEA is to provide enterprise-grade, proven GenAI reference implementations that streamline development and deployment, resulting in a quicker time to market and the realization of commercial value. Come hang out with us at one of our fall virtual events!

Step 4: Study up on Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) by reading this technical paper.

 Understanding Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Image credit to Intel

Ezequiel Lanza provides a clear road map in this essay for developers looking to scale AI solutions in big businesses. To have a significant business impact, learn how to evaluate business needs, assemble the best teams, choose AI technology, and successfully operationalize models.

Self Encrypting Drives: Securing Sensitive Data With SEDs


Self Encrypting Drives

Data security is crucial in the digital era, and self-encrypting drives (SEDs) are essential. Advanced storage solutions embed encryption into the hardware, securing data from storage to retrieval. This proactive approach decreases the danger of unwanted access, data breaches, and compliance violations, giving institutions handling sensitive data peace of mind.


Self encrypting drives automate data encryption without software, making them efficient and safe. Self Encrypting Drives automatically integrate hardware-level encryption into regular operations, unlike standard drives that may require separate encryption software. Offloading encryption processes from the CPU to the HDD simplifies data protection and improves speed.

Self Encrypting Drives basics are crucial as businesses and consumers prioritize data privacy and security. This article discusses self-encrypting disks’ features, benefits, and installation. If you’re new to data security or looking to strengthen your organization’s defenses, understanding SEDs will assist you choose data storage solutions.

Why Use Self-Encrypting Drives?

Cyber threats and sophisticated hacking have increased the need for effective data protection solutions. By embedding encryption into the hardware, self-encrypting SSDs reduce these dangers. Data is encrypted, preventing illegal access and breaches.

Increased Cyberattack Risk

Cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated and dangerous to organizations and individuals. Malicious actors exploit data storage and transfer weaknesses with ransomware and phishing attacks. By encrypting data as it is written to the drive and limiting access to it to authorized users or applications, Self Encrypting Drives defend against these assaults. Data breaches are strongly prevented by hardware-based encryption. Even if a drive is physically compromised, encrypted data is illegible without authentication.

Trends in Data Protection

To combat new dangers and regulations, data protection evolves. To comply with GDPR, FIPS, and CCPA, organizations across industries are using encryption technologies like Self Encrypting Drives. Trends also favor encryption by default, which encrypts critical data at rest and in transit. This proactive strategy boosts security and stakeholder confidence by committing to protecting critical data from illegal access and breaches.

SED types

SED kinds have diverse characteristics and functions for different use cases and security needs. Drive encryption implementation and management are the main differences.

Self-Encrypting Drives Work How?

Self Encrypting Drives automatically encrypt all drive data using strong cryptographic techniques since they use hardware encryption. No additional software or configuration is needed to encrypt through this transparent technique. Data from the drive is decrypted on the fly if login credentials are provided. These simultaneous encryption and decryption processes safeguard data at rest and in transit, preventing illegal access.

Software and Hardware Self-Encrypting Drives

The two primary types of self-encrypting disks are hardware and software.

Hardware-based SEDs encrypt and decode at hardware speed without affecting system performance by integrating encryption directly into the disk controller. Software-based SEDs use host-system encryption software to manage encryption tasks.

Although both types offer encryption, hardware-based SEDs are chosen for their security and efficiency.

Seagate Exos X Series enterprise hard drives feature Seagate Secure hardware-based encryption, including SEDs, SED-FIPS (using FIPS-approved algorithms), and fast secure erase.

Lock/Unlock Self-Encrypting Drives?

Set up and manage passwords or PINs to lock and unlock a self-encrypting drive. This ensures that only authorized people or systems can access encrypted hard drive data. Most SEDs offer a simple interface or tool to securely initialize, update, or reset authentication credentials. Self Encrypting Drives protect critical data even if the physical drive is taken by using robust authentication.

Seagate Advantage: Safe Data Storage

Seagate leads in safe data storage with their industry-leading self encrypting drives that meet strict industry security standards. The advantages of Seagate SEDs are listed below.

Existing IT Integration

Seagate self-encrypting disks integrate well with IT infrastructures. These drives integrate into varied IT ecosystems without extensive overhauls in enterprise or small business contexts. This integration feature minimizes operational disruption and improves data security using hardware-based encryption.

Using Hardware Encryption

Seagate SEDs encrypt data with hardware. Encrypting the disk controller or drive directly protects against unwanted access and data breaches. Hardware-based encryption optimizes encryption and decryption without compromising system performance.

Compliant with Industry Rules

Trusted Computing Group (TCG) Opal 2.0 data security and privacy requirements apply to Seagate SEDs. These disks encrypt sensitive data at rest to ensure GDPR, HIPAA, and other compliance. This compliance helps firms secure sensitive data and reduce regulatory non-compliance concerns.

Easy Management and Administration

Seagate’s straightforward tools and utilities simplify self-encrypting drive management. IT managers can easily manage encryption keys, access controls, and drive health using these solutions. Seagate SEDs simplify data security operations with user-friendly interfaces and robust administration tools.

Are SEDs Safe?

The drive’s specific hardware automatically encrypts and decrypts any data written to and read from it, making Self Encrypting Drives safe.

An important feature is that encryption and decryption are transparent and do not affect system performance.

SEDs also use passwords or security keys to unlock and access data, improving security.

SED encryption keys are produced and stored on the drive, making them unavailable to software attackers. This design reduces key theft and compromise.

SEDs that meet industry standards like the Opal Storage Specification are interoperable with security management tools and offer additional capabilities like secure erase and data protection compliance. The SED method of protecting sensitive data at rest is effective and robust.

What’s SEDs’ encryption level?

AES with 128-bit or 256-bit keys is used in Self Encrypting Drives. AES encryption is known for its encryption strength and durability. This encryption keeps SED data secure and inaccessible without the encryption key, giving sensitive data handlers piece of mind.

AES-256 encryption, known for its security and efficiency, is used in Seagate Exos X corporate drives. Governments, financial organizations, and businesses employ AES-256 for critical data protection.

Which Encryption Levels Are Available?

SEDs’ encryption levels vary by model and setup. SEDs with several encryption modes, such as S3, let enterprises choose the right security level for their data. Hardware and full disk encryption (FDE) are standard. Hardware components encrypt and decrypt all FDE-encrypted data on the drive.

Backup encrypting drives

Backup SED data to provide data resilience and continuity in case of drive failure or data loss. SED backups use secure backup technologies to encrypt disk data. These encrypted backups protect data while helping enterprises recover data quickly after a disaster or hardware breakdown. Organizations can reduce data breaches and operational disruptions by backing up self-encrypting disks regularly.

Unlocking SED Power

SEDs’ full potential requires understanding and using their main features and capabilities, such as:

  • To manage and configure encryption settings, use tools offered by the drive manufacturer, such as Seagate Secure Toolkit. These tools usually manage passwords and authentication credentials.
  • Security Software: Integrate the SED with Opal Storage Specification-compliant security management software. This allows remote management, policy enforcement, and audit logging.
  • Enable BIOS/UEFI Management: Let your BIOS or UEFI manage the drive’s locking and unlocking. This adds security by requiring the necessary credentials on system boot to access the drive.
  • To get the latest security updates and bug fixes, upgrade the drive’s firmware regularly. If available, monitor and audit access logs to detect unauthorized drive access.

With these tactics, your SEDs will safeguard data while being easy to use and manage.

Considerations for SED Implementation

To ensure IT infrastructure integration and performance, SED installation must consider various criteria.

Current IT Compatibility

SEDs must be compatible with IT systems before adoption. OS, hardware, and storage integration are compatibility factors. Self Encrypting Drives have broad platform compatibility and low deployment disruption.

Effects on performance and scaling

When implementing SEDs, encryption may affect performance. SED hardware encryption reduces performance decrease compared to software encryption. To ensure SEDs suit current and future data processing needs, organizations should evaluate performance benchmarks and scalability choices.

Total Ownership Cost

Total cost of ownership (TCO) includes initial costs, ongoing maintenance, and possible savings from data security and operational overhead improvements. SEDs may cost more than non-encrypting drives, however increased security and compliance may outweigh this.

Simple Configuration and Maintenance

SEDs simplify configuration and maintenance, making deployment and management easier. IT managers may adjust encryption settings, maintain encryption keys, and monitor drive health from centralized panels. This streamlined solution reduces administrative hassles and standardizes storage infrastructure security.

NBA 2K25 Arcade Edition, Balatro+ To Apple Arcade Games


Apple Arcade

Eight titles, including NBA 2K25 Arcade Edition and Balatro+, are added to Apple Arcade. Apple Arcade is expanding its library of over 200 entertaining games with eight new additions. With no in-app purchases or advertisements, the newest collection of games provides something for the whole family, from thrilling deck-building games to competitive sports titles.

Three new games have been added to the service today: Puzzle Sculpt, an Apple Vision Pro spatial puzzle, Monster Train+, and NFL Retro Bowl ’25, the first NFL-licensed game available on the platform.

Every month, the service is updated with new games and material. Starting on September 26th, users will have the opportunity to construct their dream deck and take on challenging tasks with the 2024 deck-building phenomenon Balatro+. Playable on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Vision Pro, Balatro+ will be part of the Arcade subscription service.

NBA 2K returns on October 3rd, promising players another thrilling season as they step up their game in NBA 2K25 Arcade Edition. This year, 2K enthusiasts may check out the redesigned Greatest Mode and The Neighborhood. In addition, subscribers may operate their own cat café in Furistas Cat café+, cook up a good time with some adorable furry companions in Food Truck Pup+, and smash their way through realms beyond their wildest dreams in Smash Hit+.

A family of up to six people may enjoy unlimited access to every game in the Apple Arcade library with just one membership, so you can all play these fantastic games together.

Playstack and LocalThunk’s Balatro+

LocalThunk, a lone developer, produced this hypnotically delightful roguelike deck builder with a focus on poker, which Playstack released. Joker cards and poker hands are combined by players to create a variety of builds and synergies, each with their own special powers. The objective is to find secret bonus hands and decks while gathering enough chips to defeat cunning blinds. In Balatro+’s unique psychedelic environment, defeat the boss blind, uphold the last stand, and win all set to a surreal and retro-futuristic synthwave music.

NBA 2K25 Arcade Edition

NBA 2K25 Arcade Edition
Image Credit To Apple

NBA 2K25 Arcade Edition is where legends are built, as The Neighborhood makes its mobile premiere. Unlock side missions, meet the top players in the league, and compete against friends in one-on-one or three-on-three games on Game Center. As they advance in their professions and refine their talents via competitive play, Apple Arcade players have access to a brand-new space that blends indoor and outdoor streetball courts and businesses thanks to this completely navigable hoop culture paradise.

Not only will they rule the court, but The Neighborhood as well. New character customization options, upgrades to My career and The Association, and a redesigned Greatest Mode that lets players relive some of their favorite ballers’ career-defining moments are all included in the game.

GAME START’s Food Truck Pup+

With the top canine chefs in town, players can cook up a fantastic time. With the bright pixel visuals of the game, work hard to build a delicious worldwide crêpe company from the bottom up and see it come to life. In this heartwarming game, players may also take pleasure in creating their own stores, choosing fashionable clothing, and even employing other dogs as part-timers to support the growth of their companies.

Cat Cafe+ Furistas by Runaway Play

Cat Cafe+ Furistas
Image Credit To Apple

Gamers may add more cats to their collection by matching adorable kittens with the perfect foster parents and providing them with happiness. Because every café may be customized from top to bottom, gamers can let their imaginations run wild and create unique and welcoming environments. These adorable kittens will win over gamers’ hearts with every endearing exchange they have.

Smash Hit+ by Mediocre AB

Smash Hit+ is a game that uses force, concentration, and pure willpower to take players on immersive adventures where they must move in time with the music and discover new methods to use destructive physics. The game’s 50 distinct chambers and 11 graphic styles provide an unmatched visual experience that motivates players to commit to overcoming the difficult challenges that lie ahead of them.

Apple Arcade Games

Wylde Flowers
Image Credit To Apple

Players may anticipate significant improvements to popular arcade games like Wylde Flowers, Sonic Dream Team, Outlanders 2: Second Nature, Hello Kitty Island Adventure, and many more in addition to new games.

Wylde Flowers by Studio Drydock: In today’s highly anticipated mystical Creatures update, players will endeavor to uncover the mystical mysteries concealed under Fairhaven’s lighthouse and restore it to its former splendor.

Sonic Dream Team by SEGA HARDlight: On September 12, players may get 16 new abilities, such as stomp and air slice, by running and jumping into new objectives and locations in the Tails Challenge. Jukebox mode, which enables users to unlock and gather music songs from all across the Dream World, is also included in this version.

Pomelo Games’ Outlanders 2: Second Nature: On September 17, players will get to know Jelena, the tenacious mayor of a little village in the Winterlands at the foot of a massive mountain. Together with three new levels with brand-new structures and crops, Jelena also delivers a fresh narrative.

The island adventure Hello Kitty by Sunblink and Sanrio: Players may reach the new City Town area on a separate island on September 18, when a mystery boat emerges off the coast of Friendship Island. There, a new character is ready to show everyone around.

ASUS ProArt PZ13 Copilot+ PCs With Snapdragon X Plus


ASUS ProArt PZ13

The newly-announced Snapdragon X Plus eight-core processor powers the newest ASUS Vivobook S 15 and ASUS ProArt PZ13 Copilot+ PCs, which the company, a leader in innovative and user-centric computing solutions, is thrilled to unveil. With their groundbreaking platform that unlocks multiday battery life, unparalleled performance, and AI-powered Copilot+ PC experiences to a wider audience, these new devices signal a significant extension of the ASUS Copilot+ PC series. They are available immediately worldwide.

Because these new laptops are the first to use Qualcomm Technologies’ most recent Snapdragon X Plus platform, powerful AI technology are now more accessible than ever. By incorporating this potent new silicon, ASUS keeps up its promise to provide products with user-centric designs that improve productivity and everyday life. The Snapdragon X Plus platform is powered by an eight-core Qualcomm OryonTM CPU, which offers blazingly quick responsiveness and efficiency. Superb visuals are guaranteed by an integrated GPU and compatibility for up to three external displays.

Rich visual encounters. With its remarkable 45 TOPS NPU of AI processing power and industry-leading performance-per-watt, the Snapdragon X Plus eight-core processor, when combined with the platform’s notable connectivity advancements, will raise productivity to new levels in ultraportable designs with amazing battery life. Transformational experiences will be made possible by this platform’s diverse capability, whether creating presentations on the go or streaming videos.

ASUS is ecstatic that the eight-core Snapdragon X Plus platform will enable even more people globally to benefit from the revolutionary potential of Copilot+ PCs. According to ASUS Corporate Vice President, Consumer BU Rangoon Chang, “ASUS is committed to making cutting-edge technology, like the ASUS ProArt PZ13, accessible to everyone, everywhere, and this collaboration with Qualcomm Technology a significant step in that direction.”

Customers around the world can easily obtain these new Copilot+ PCs thanks to ASUS’s global logistics network. With the introduction of these entry-level laptops with the Snapdragon X Plus, Qualcomm Technologies and ASUS are enabling more people to take advantage of AI-enhanced computing by lowering the cost and increasing accessibility to cutting-edge technology.

“ASUS is dedicated to providing ASUS global customer base with innovative on-device artificial intelligence processing,” stated Kedar Kondap, SVP & GM of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.’s compute and gaming division. “From daily workflow to personal passion projects, the Snapdragon X Plus eight-core processor pushes productivity to new heights for a more efficient day.”

Showcasing the next generation of ultraportable and creator-focused notebooks, the ASUS Vivobook S 15 and ASUS ProArt PZ13 build on the success of the 2024 launch of ASUS Copilot+ PCs, which started in May.

ASUS ProArt PZ13 Price

Powerful and compact, the ASUS ProArt PZ13 is a premium workstation for creative professionals. Local markets may have different ASUS ProArt PZ13 prices due to area, setup, and extras. Although processor, GPU, storage, and RAM requirements vary, a high-end, dedicated workstation typically costs between $2,000 and $3,000 USD.

Vivobook S 15 from ASUS

The ASUS Vivobook S 15 is an ultra-portable laptop with a quality CNC-engraved logo, a sleek 14.7 mm, 1.42 kg all-metal shell, and a simple design. Up to 19+ hours of use are possible with the 70 Wh battery thanks to quick charging and ASUS USB-C Easy Charge. It has an enormous touchpad with simple gesture controls, a single-zone RGB backlit keyboard, and a dedicated Copilot key for quick access to AI applications like Live Captions, Copilot, and Cocreator. It also comes with the cutting-edge AI-powered StoryCube app, which helps users fulfill their creative dreams.

With two USB4 ports, USB 3.2, HDMI 2.1, a microSD card, and WiFi 7 for lightning-fast speeds of up to 5.8 Gbps, connectivity is effortless. With a 100% DCI-P3 color gamut and Dolby Atmos audio, the 15.6-inch 3K 120 Hz ASUS Lumina OLED display offers an amazing audiovisual experience that is perfect for both work and play.

ProArt PZ13

With IP52 protection and military-grade durability, the ASUS ProArt PZ13 is a lightweight, 0.85 kilogram, 9 mm detachable laptop designed for creative thinking on-the-go. A cutting-edge AI experience with improved security, performance, and personalization is provided by this Copilot+ PC laptop. Rich connectivity is provided by an SD Card reader and two USB4 connections. Extended off-grid use is possible with a 70 Wh battery, providing up to 21 hours of Full HD video playing.

The 3K ASUS Lumina OLED touchscreen has a 16:10 aspect ratio, Pantone Validated certification, and enables stylus input in addition to providing amazing images. AI-powered technologies like ProArt Creator Hub for workflow optimization and StoryCube for asset management are included in ASUS ProArt PZ13. A six-month CapCut membership, which offers extensive video editing tools to producers of all skill levels, is also included.

ASUS ProArt PZ13 Specs

ColorNano Black
Operating SystemWindows 11 Home – ASUS recommends Windows 11 Pro for business
ProcessorSnapdragon X Plus X1P 42 100 Processor 3.4GHz (30MB Cache, up to 3.4GHz, 8 cores, 8 Threads); Qualcomm Hexagon NPU up to 45TOPS
GraphicsQualcomm Adreno GPU
Neural ProcessorQualcomm Hexagon NPU up to 45TOPS
Display  33.78cm (13.3), 3K (2880 x 1800) OLED 16:10 aspect ratio, 0.2ms response time, 60Hz refresh rate, 500nits HDR peak brightness, VESA CERTIFIED Display HDR True Black 500, SGS Eye Care Display, Touch screen, – (Screen-to-body ratio)87%, With stylus support
Memory16GB LPDDR5X on board
Storage1TB M.2 NVMe PCIe 4.0 SSD
I/O Ports2x USB 4.0 Gen 3 Type-C support display / power delivery SD Express 7.0 card reader
Keyboard & TouchpadSoft Keyboard, 1.35mm Key-travel, Precision touchpad, With Copilot key *Copilot in Windows (in preview) is rolling out gradually within the latest update to Windows 11 in select global markets. Timing of availability varies by device and market. Learn more:
Camera5.0MP front-facing camera 1440p Quad HD for high-quality video streaming Windows Studio Effects with automatic framing, creative filters (illustrated, animated, watercolor), eye contact, eye contact: teleprompter, portrait blur, and portrait light Windows Hello face authentication camera 13.0M Ultra HD (4K) rear-facing camera
AudioSmart Amp Technology Built-in speaker Built-in array microphone
Network and Communication  Wi-Fi 7(802.11be) (Tri-band)2*2 + Bluetooth 5.4 Wireless Card (*Bluetooth version may change with OS version different.)
Battery70WHrs, 3S1P, 3-cell Li-ion
Power SupplyTYPE-C, 65W AC Adapter, Output: 20V DC, 3.25A, 65W, Input: 100-240V AC 50/60GHz universal
Weight0.85 kg (1.87 lbs)
Dimensions (W x D x H)29.75 x 20.29 x 0.90 ~ 0.90 cm (11.71″ x 7.99″ x 0.35″ ~ 0.35″)
Built-in Apps  Story Cube Cap Cut My ASUS Pro Art Creator Hub Screen X pert Glide X
My ASUS Features  System diagnosis Battery health charging Fan Profile Splendid Function key lock WiFi  Smart Connect Link to My ASUS Task First Live update ASUS OLED Care AI Noise Canceling
Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Home & Student 2021
Military GradeUS MIL-STD 810H military-grade standard
Ecolabels & CompliancesEnergy star 8.0 RoHS REACH
Security  BIOS Booting User Password Protection Trusted Platform Module (Firmware TPM) Microsoft Pluton security processor IR webcam with Windows Hello support
Included in the Box  Stand Stylus (ASUS Pen SA203H-MPP2.0 support) Micro SD adapter * Included accessories vary according to country and territory. Please check with your local ASUS retailer for details. Backpack
Disclaimer  This product has only been tested for compatibility with the Windows 11 operating system, and may encounter compatibility issues if Windows 10 or older OS versions are installed.

How The AI Inferencing Circuitry Powers Intelligent Machines


AI Inferencing

Expand the capabilities of PCs and pave the way for future AI applications that will be much more advanced.


The debut of “AI PCs” has resulted in a deluge of news and marketing during the last several months. The enthusiasm and buzz around these new AI PCs is undeniable. Finding clear-cut, doable advice on how to fully capitalize on their advantages as a client, however, may often seem like searching through a haystack. It’s time to close this knowledge gap and provide people the tools they need to fully use this innovative technology.

All-inclusive Guide

At Dell Technologies, their goal is to offer a thorough manual that will close the knowledge gap regarding AI PCs, the capabilities of hardware for accelerating AI, such as GPUs and neural processing units (NPUs), and the developing software ecosystem that makes use of these devices.

All PCs can, in fact, process AI features; but, newer CPUs are not as efficient or perform as well as before due to the advent of specialist AI processing circuits. As a result, they can do difficult AI tasks more quickly and with less energy. This PC technological breakthrough opens the door to AI application advances.

In addition, independent software vendors (ISVs) are producing cutting-edge GenAI-powered software and fast integrating AI-based features and functionality to current software.

It’s critical for consumers to understand if new software features are handled locally on your PC or on the cloud in order to maximize the benefits of this new hardware and software. By having this knowledge, companies can be confident they’re getting the most out of their technological investments.

Quick AI Functions

Microsoft Copilot is an example of something that is clear. Currently, Microsoft Copilot’s AI capabilities are handled in the Microsoft cloud, enabling any PC to benefit from its time- and productivity-saving features. In contrast, Microsoft is providing Copilot+ with distinctive, incremental AI capabilities that can only be processed locally on a Copilot+ AI PC, which is characterized, among other things, by a more potent NPU. Later, more on it.

Remember that even before AI PCs with NPUs were introduced, ISVs were chasing locally accelerated AI capabilities. In 2018, NVIDIA released the RTX GPU line, which included Tensor Cores, specialized AI acceleration hardware. As NVIDIA RTX GPUs gained popularity in these areas, graphics-specific ISV apps, such as games, professional video, 3D animation, CAD, and design software, started experimenting with incorporating GPU-processed AI capabilities.

AI workstations with RTX GPUs quickly became the perfect sandbox environment for data scientists looking to get started with machine learning and GenAI applications. This allowed them to experiment with private data behind their corporate firewall and realized better cost predictability than virtual compute environments in the cloud where the meter is always running.

Processing AI

All of these GPU-powered AI use cases prioritize speed above energy economy, often involving workstation users using professional NVIDIA RTX GPUs. NPUs provide a new feature for using AI features to the market with their energy-efficient AI processing.

For clients to profit, ISVs must put in the laborious code required to support any or all of the processing domains NPU, GPU, or cloud. Certain functions may only work with the NPU, while others might only work with the GPU and others might only be accessible online. Gaining the most out of your AI processing gear is dependent on your understanding of the ISV programs you use on a daily basis.

A few key characteristics that impact processing speed, workflow compatibility, and energy efficiency characterize AI acceleration hardware.

Neural Processing Unit NPU

Now let’s talk about NPUs. NPUs, which are relatively new to the AI processing industry, often resemble a section of the circuitry found in a PC CPU. Integrated NPUs, or neural processing units, are a characteristic of the most recent CPUs from Qualcomm and Intel. This circuitry promotes AI inferencing, which is the usage of AI characteristics. Integer arithmetic is at the core of the AI inferencing technology. When it comes to the integer arithmetic required for AI inferencing, NPUs thrive.

They are perfect for using AI on laptops, where battery life is crucial for portability, since they can do inferencing with very little energy use. While NPUs are often found as circuitry inside the newest generation of CPUs, they can also be purchased separately and perform a similar purpose of accelerating AI inferencing. Discrete NPUs are also making an appearance on the market in the form of M.2 or PCIe add-in cards.

ISVs are only now starting to deliver software upgrades or versions with AI capabilities backing them, given that NPUs have just recently been introduced to the market. NPUs allow intriguing new possibilities today, and it’s anticipated that the number of ISV features and applications will increase quickly.

Integrated and Discrete from NVIDIA GPUs

NVIDIA RTX GPUs may be purchased as PCIe add-in cards for PCs and workstations or as a separate chip for laptops. They lack NPUs’ energy economy, but they provide a wider spectrum of AI performance and more use case capability. Metrics comparing the AI performance of NPUs and GPUs will be included later in this piece. However, GPUs provide more scalable AI processing performance for sophisticated workflows than NPUs do because of their variety and the flexibility to add many cards to desktop, tower, and rack workstations.

Another advantage of NVIDIA RTX GPUs is that they may be trained and developed into GenAI large language models (LLMs), in addition to being excellent in integer arithmetic and inferencing. This is a consequence of their wide support in the tool chains and libraries often used by data scientists and AI software developers, as well as their acceleration of floating-point computations.

Bringing It to Life for Your Company

Trillions of operations per second, or TOPS, are often used to quantify AI performance. TOPS is a metric that quantifies the maximum possible performance of AI inferencing, taking into account the processor’s design and frequency. It is important to distinguish this metric from TFLOPs, which stands for a computer system’s capacity to execute one trillion floating-point computations per second.

The broad range of AI inferencing scalability across Dell’s AI workstations and PCs. It also shows how adding more RTX GPUs to desktop and tower AI workstations may extend inferencing capability much further. To show which AI workstation models are most suited for AI development and training operations, a light blue overlay has been introduced. Remember that while TOPS is a relative performance indicator, the particular program running in that environment will determine real performance.

To fully use the hardware capacity, the particular application or AI feature must also support the relevant processing domain. In systems with a CPU, NPU, and RTX GPU for optimal performance, it could be feasible for a single application to route AI processing across all available AI hardware as ISVs continue to enhance their apps.


TOPS is not the only crucial component for managing AI. Furthermore crucial is memory, particularly for GenAI LLMs. The amount of memory that is available for LLMs might vary greatly, depending on how they are managed. They make use of some RAM memory in the system when using integrated NPUs, such as those found in Qualcomm Snapdragon and Intel Core Ultra CPUs. In light of this, it makes sense to get the most RAM that you can afford for an AI PC, since this will help with general computing, graphics work, and multitasking between apps in addition to the AI processing that is the subject of this article.

Separate For both mobile and stationary AI workstations, NVIDIA RTX GPUs have dedicated memory for each model, varying somewhat in TOPS performance and memory quantities. AI workstations can scale for the most advanced inferencing workflows thanks to VRAM memory capacities of up to 48GB, as demonstrated by the RTX 6000 Ada, and the ability accommodate 4 GPUs in the Precision 7960 Tower for 192GB VRAM.

Additionally, these workstations offer a high-performance AI model development and training sandbox for customers who might not be ready for the even greater scalability found in the Dell PowerEdge GPU AI server range. Similar to system RAM with the NPU, RTX GPU VRAM is shared for GPU-accelerated computation, graphics, and AI processing; multitasking applications will place even more strain on it. Aim to purchase AI workstations with the greatest GPU (and VRAM) within your budget if you often multitask with programs that take use of GPU acceleration.

The potential of AI workstations and PCs may be better understood and unwrapped with a little bit of knowledge. You can do more with AI features these days than only take advantage of time-saving efficiency and the capacity to create a wide range of creative material. AI features are quickly spreading across all software applications, whether they are in-house custom-developed solutions or commercial packaged software. Optimizing the setup of your AI workstations and PCs can help you get the most out of these experiences.

Primary Storage vs Secondary Storage: What’s Difference?

Primary Storage

What is Primary storage?

The priority of computer memory is determined by the frequency with which it is needed to perform operational tasks. The primary storage medium holds the primary memory, sometimes referred to as main memory or working memory, which is the principal operating component and working memory of the computer. Other terms for the main or major memory include “internal memory” and “main storage.” It stores reasonably compact data sets that the computer can access while operating.

Primary storage is meant to process data more quickly than secondary storage systems because it is used so frequently. The physical placement of primary storage on the computer motherboard and its close proximity to the central processor unit (CPU) enable it to accomplish this performance improvement.

main storage that is located closer to the CPU facilitates faster access to the programs, data, and instructions that are currently being used. It also makes it simpler to read and write to main storage.

Secondary Storage

What is Secondary Storage?

Secondary storage devices that have the ability to store data continuously and persistently are referred to as external memory or secondary storage. Secondary storage devices are referred to be non-volatile storage since they are compatible with interruptible power supplies.

What does secondary storage do?

In addition to providing long-term data protection, these data storage devices can create operational permanency and a permanent record of current practices for archiving reasons. Their attributes render them ideal for storing data backups, aiding in disaster recovery endeavors, and upholding the enduring storage and safeguarding of crucial files.

How human memory and machine memory are similar

Examining how people think might help you better grasp the distinctions between main and secondary storage. People receive an astounding volume of new information every day, which mentally overwhelms them.

  • Personal contacts: An average American receives and makes six phone calls and sends and receives roughly thirty-two messages per day.
  • Work data: Most people also work in jobs that require them to handle incoming organizational data from various corporate instructions and communications.
  • Advertising: It’s been calculated that a typical person sees up to 10,000 sponsored communications or commercials per day. A person would be exposed to an advertisement every 5.76 seconds while they are awake if they were to deduct 8 hours from their usual night’s sleep.
  • News: We are receiving news information in a growing number of formats, but it is not included in the advertising figure. Multiple forms of information are being transmitted simultaneously on a single screen in many modern television news shows. A news broadcast could, for instance, have a video chat with a news anchor, breaking news items announced at the bottom of the screen, and the most recent stock market updates displayed in a sidebar.
  • Furthermore, social media’s increasing and all-encompassing influence cannot be explained by that number. People are consuming considerably more material via message boards, online communities, and social media websites.

The functioning of the human mind and computer memory management are a good parallel. A person’s short-term memory is mostly used to meet their most urgent and “current” cognitive needs. Data like the time of a crucial medical appointment, an access code for personal banking, or the contact details of current business clients could be included in this. Put otherwise, this knowledge is of the utmost expected importance. The computer’s most urgent processing requirements are handled by main storage in a similar manner.

Unlike a person’s long-term memory, secondary data storage provides long-term storage. For long-term data retrieval, secondary storage often operates less frequently and may need more computer processing power. It reflects the same processing and retention as long-term memory in this way. Humans are known to keep information for extended periods of time, such as phone numbers from spouses, long-retained facts, and driver’s license numbers.

Primary storage memory use

Every conversation on computer science revolves around one of the many types of primary store memory:

  • Random Access Memory (RAM): RAM is the most essential sort of memory. It stores and manages a wide range of critical operations, including system applications and processes that the computer is now running. RAM can function as a type of launchpad for programs or files.
  • Read-Only Memory (ROM): This type of memory lets users see the contents but not edit the data that has been gathered. Since the data on ROM persists long after the computer is shut down, it is referred to as non-volatile storage.
  • Data that is frequently requested and used is stored in cache memory, another important type of data storage. Cache memory is faster than RAM but has a lower storage capacity.
  • Registers: Registers, which are found inside CPUs and store data to accomplish the goal of instant processing, post the fastest data access times of all.
  • Flash memory: This non-volatile storage technology enables data writing and saving, along with rewriting and resaving. Fast access times are also made possible by flash memory. Flash memory is found in digital cameras, flash drives, USB memory sticks, and cellphones.
  • Cloud storage: In some situations, cloud storage may serve as the primary storage system. Businesses that host apps in their own data centers, for instance, need to use some kind of cloud service for storage.
  • A type of RAM-based semiconductor memory known as dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) has an architecture that assigns each data bit to a memory cell that contains a small transistor and capacitor. A memory refresh circuit located within the DRAM capacitor makes DRAM non-volatile memory. A computer’s main memory is often created using DRAM.
  • Another kind of RAM-based semiconductor memory is static random-access memory (SRAM), which stores data using a latching, flip-flop logic. SRAM is volatile storage, meaning that when the system is powered down, its data is lost. When it is working, nevertheless, SRAM offers quicker processing than DRAM, which frequently raises the cost of the memory. Registers and cache memory are two common applications for SRAM.

Secondary storage memory usage

In secondary storage, three types of memory are frequently utilized:

  • Data written to a rotating metal disk with magnetic fields on it can be accessed by magnetic storage devices.
  • Optical storage is when a storage device reads data from a metal or plastic disk with grooves using a laser; this type of storage is similar to an audio record.
  • Solid state storage (SSS): Electronic circuits provide the energy for SSS devices. While some SSS devices use random-access memory (RAM) with a battery backup, flash memory is typically used in these types of gadgets. High performance and fast data transfer are provided by SSS, but its price may be prohibitive when compared to optical and magnetic storage.

What are Primary storage devices?

Depending on how they are utilized and how valuable they are deemed to be, storage resources are classified as primary storage. It’s a common misconception among observers that primary storage is dependent on a storage medium’s storage capacity, its storage architecture, or how much data it can hold. Actually, it has nothing to do with the potential for information storage on a media. It has to do with the storage media’s expected functionality.

With this utility-based orientation, primary storage devices can be in various shapes and sizes:

  • drives for hard disks (HDDs)
  • SSDs, or solid-state devices based on flash
  • Network storage area sharing (SAN)
  • storage connected to a network (NAS)

Secondary storage devices

Although external secondary storage devices exist, certain types of secondary memory are internal in nature. Non-volatile storage is provided by external storage devices, often known as auxiliary storage devices, which are simple to disconnect and use with different operating systems.

  • HDDs
  • Floppy disks
  • Magnetic tape drives
  • Portable hard drives
  • Flash-based solid-state drives
  • Memory cards
  • Flash drives
  • USB drives
  • DVDs
  • CD-ROMs
  • Blu-ray Discs
  • CDs 

Proceed to the next action

Any computer system’s lifeblood is its data. While handling an ever-increasing flow of data, primary storage and secondary storage handle their responsibilities in distinct ways. Managing files that are actively required for computer operations is the goal of primary storage. The permanent preservation of data that is deemed significant and valuable, but may not require rapid access, is the focus of secondary storage.

Additionally, security is now a new component that needs to be taken into account when analyzing data. It is imperative to have data storage with integrated data protections due to the increasing frequency and evolution of cyber threats. Learn how your company may obtain the storage it requires and the security it needs to continuously secure valuable data.

XPG LANCER NEON RGB Lighting High-Performance DDR5




The LANCER NEON RGB DDR5 gaming memory module was released today by ADATA Technology, the world’s leading memory module and flash memory company. Gaming brand XPG supplies systems, components, and accessories to gamers, esports pros, and tech fans and is growing rapidly. LANCER NEON RGB decreases memory heat at high clock speeds, increases heat dissipation area, and enhances efficiency with a unique PCB coating.

Experience severe overclocking with no performance compromises and never give up speed. In addition, LANCER NEON RGB uses eco-friendly techniques on the inside and out, such as an IMR (In-Mold Roller) transfer technology, PCR (post-consumer recycled) plastic for the heatsink, and FSC certified packaging. LANCER NEON RGB boasts an RGB lighted area of 60%. The principles of carbon reduction and environmental preservation are fully embodied by the combination of an eco-friendly PCR plastic inner tray and an exterior box composed of sustainable paper.

10% Increase in Heat Dissipation Efficiency with Specialty Heat-Dispersion PCB Coating

The LANCER NEON RGB DDR5 game memory has an innovative PCB covering that dissipates heat very well, offering excellent heat radiation and stability. When cooling through radiative heat dissipation, the optimized heat-dissipating solder mask layer not only acts as insulation but also has exceptional heat-dissipation and heat-conduction properties. Comparing this heat dissipating coating to conventional overclocked memory heatsinks, the heat dissipation area increased dramatically, enhancing heat dissipation efficiency and reducing memory heat generation when operating at high clock speeds.

The average operating temperature of LANCER NEON RGB RAM with this cooling solution is 8.5°C lower than that of typical overclocked memory, increasing heat dissipation efficiency by up to 10%. Experience severe overclocking with no performance compromises and never give up speed. Furthermore, by eliminating the need for a dedicated memory heatsink, this coating increases the range of gaming aesthetics that overclockers and players can choose from.

Eco-friendly from the inside out and with industry-leading 60% RGB illumination

An industry-leading 60% RGB lit heatsink is featured on the new LANCER NEON RGB memory module. Furthermore, sustainable ESG principles are ingrained in both its production methods and raw materials. With a heatsink made 50% of PCR plastic, the LANCER NEON RGB is the first DDR5 RGB gaming memory module on the market to be produced using environmentally friendly methods, resulting in a 72.5% reduction in carbon emissions.

Moreover, IMR technology, which complies with EU laws and emits no waste gases while being environmentally benign, is applied to the heatsink surface. The packaging for the LANCER NEON RGB also reduces carbon emissions and is ecologically beneficial. In an attempt to incorporate environmental protection and carbon reduction both inside and out, the exterior box is constructed from sustainable FSCTM certified paper and is matched with an inside tray made of 30% environmentally friendly PCR plastic.

Evolution of LANCER Design Language

Inheriting the triangular geometric design language of the XPG LANCER family, the LANCER NEON RGB DDR5 gaming memory embodies the essence of “GAME TO THE XTREME.” The flat triangular pattern of the module’s design has given way to molded three-dimensional pyramids. With or without illumination, the LANCER NEON RGB radiates a subtle elegance and a feeling of fine precision.

With RGB lighting, the heatsink’s multi-angle diamond surface focuses and refracts colors to create an amazing visual display. LANCER NEON RGB now supports AMD EXPO and Intel XMP 3.0, which guarantees that the module is stable even at high performance levels and lets players experience a fluid sense of speed. Launching as single/dual memory module kits, a total of five clock speeds 6,000, 6,400, 6,800, 7,200, and 8,000 MT/s will be offered in two capacities 16GB and 24GB.


  • First environmentally friendly RGB gaming memory module in the world
  • A unique coating that dissipates heat ensures worry-free overclocking
  • An environmentally friendly IMR approach improves the aesthetics of green gaming
  • Industry-leading RGB area illuminated to 60%
  • Use XPG Prime to Make a Customized Light Show
  • Power supply stability using PMIC
  • Error correction for on-die ECC
  • Supports AMD EXPO and Intel XMP 3.0 for simple overclocking

First Green RGB DDR5 Memory Module in the World

The LANCER NEON RGB is the first RGB DDR5 gaming memory module in the world to be certified as ecologically friendly. Its FSC-approved packaging and heatsink composed of 50% PCR plastic components reduce carbon emissions by 72.5 percent. Do your part for the environment and give your PC a dazzling gamer’s aesthetic.

Green gaming aesthetics are created by eco-friendly IMR

LANCER NEON RGB creates a unique and striking heatsink pattern by utilizing an eco-friendly IMR (in-mold roller) technology in conjunction with LANCER’s own design language.

Quick, reliable, and of the highest caliber

This module is ideal for gamers and overclockers seeking pure speed because of its carefully chosen premium memory chips and 10-layer circuit boards, which provide fast and stable clocks and transmission speeds of up to 8,000MT/s.

It is advised to use a motherboard supporting the Intel Raptor Lake-S Refresh (14th Gen) CPU from the list in order to overclock to 8000MT/s.

Dedicated Coating for Stress-Free Overclocking

Using a unique heat-dissipating layer on its PCB, LANCER NEON RGB significantly lowers temperatures by 10%, guaranteeing the memory module’s performance even at high speeds and enhancing product stability and durability.

Immersion Surface Illumination in 60% RGB

Configure the RGB lighting as desired. You can use the Music Mode to sync the lights to your favorite songs or select from a variety of effects, such as breathing, comet, and static. RGB control software from all the main motherboard vendors can accomplish all of this.

Customize Your Light Show Using XPG Prime

In addition to setting custom DRAM lighting effects, XPG Prime lighting control software enables you to synchronize all Prime-compatible XPG RGB products to produce creative light displays and customize your own Prime ecosystem.

Please make sure to close any other lighting control software from manufacturers like ASUS, ASRock, Gigabyte, or MSI after choosing Prime as your lighting control program. Using Prime with motherboard RGB software may lead to conflicts.

You must delete MSI software, turn off the power, and then reboot before installing and activating Prime if you want to use it after installing MSI lighting control software.

Better Power Control

A built-in Power Management IC (PMIC) improves power supply stability in the XPG LANCER NEON RGB DDR5. LANCER is also more power-efficient than DDR4 because to its lower operating voltage.

Consistency and Dependability

This DDR5 memory module has on-die error correcting code (ECC), which allows it to fix faults in real-time and boost reliability and stability.

Overclocking Simplified

Get overclocking quickly and easily without having to fiddle with BIOS settings thanks to support for Intel XMP 3.0. Readjusting and fine-tuning overclocking parameters is not necessary.

  • To fully achieve its overclocked capabilities, high-speed memory overclocked above 7600MT/s (inclusive) needs to be paired with a motherboard and CPU that match. The product’s stated overclocking speed cannot be activated unless XMP is enabled after installation.

AMD Expo

Stability and dependability are ensured by compatibility with the newest systems and support for AMD EXPO (EXtended Profiles for Overclocking).

  • Only DDR5 memory with a speed of 6400 MT/s or less is compatible with AMD EXPO.

Explore The Features Of The ASUS ExpertBook P1 Review


ASUS ExpertBook P1 Review

ASUS Releases the Completely New ExpertBook P1 series. Laptops that are safe, robust, and equipped with AI improvements to tackle any work.

Transportable and robust: This 1.4 kg lightweight device has military-grade durability and strong performance, making it ideal for demanding jobs that need to be completed on the move.

Meetings are supercharged: The unique AI ExpertMeet technology removes language barriers, summarizes conversations, detects speakers, and transcribes easily.

Concise layout, one-touch conference shortcuts, and a cozy keyboard provide a seamless user experience.

Business-grade security: NIST SP 800-155 compliance, TPM 2.0, Windows Secured-core PC, and McAfee Smart AI are just a few examples of enterprise-grade protection.

The all-new ExpertBook P1403 and P1503 laptop models from ASUS were unveiled today; they are designed for professionals on a tight budget or for administrators who need reliable computing services. ExpertBook P1, which comes in 14-inch and 15-inch Full HD variants, combines daily usefulness with efficient performance, all wrapped up in a sensible design that excels in key areas.

With an impressively efficient design that unlocks remarkable efficiency to accelerate everyday work, the tiny and beautiful ExpertBook P1 series is powered by the proprietary ASUS AI ExpertMeet2 tool. It begins at a lightweight 1.4 kg. By removing language barriers via integrated translation, identifying speakers, summarizing talks, and much more, this improves meeting efficiency.

With up to a 13th Gen Intel Core i7 CPU and up to 1 TB of storage with dual-SSD RAID support for better data reliability and quicker operation, the new ExpertBook P1 notebooks are designed for exceptional performance. In order to safeguard private and corporate data, they also include an integrated fingerprint sensor and a TPM 2.0 chip3, making the ExpertBook P1 a dependable and trustworthy travel companion for contemporary workflows.

Sturdy and portable for professionals who are often on the run

The ASUS ExpertBook P1 is built to last a long time, no matter what or where you go. This powerhouse, which has a starting weight of just 1.4 kg, is designed to be portable and durable enough to face the rigors of contemporary life, whether it be at home, at work, or on the road. It combines mobility with military-grade durability.

ExpertBook P1 rises to the challenge with up to 64 GB4 of memory to enable rapid access and smooth performance for even the most demanding applications, whether taking on intense activities or just doing a number of little projects quickly. Up to 1 TB of capacity is available for customers that want a lot of storage. Dual-SSD RAID support is added to this capacity to increase data reliability and speed up all operations, giving contemporary organizations the speed and certainty they need.

The MIL-STD-810H military-grade5 robustness of the ExpertBook P1 series makes it resistant to harsh weather conditions. Additionally, it is put through ASUS Superior Durability Tests, which are a demanding battery of tests intended to simulate harsh daily use, to make sure the P1 keeps up its great dependability guarantee even on the roughest travels and workdays.

Heightened efficiency and productivity in meetings

The all-new, ASUS-only AI ExpertMeet software, which is included with the ASUS ExpertBook P1, is a potent tool that may boost meeting productivity and efficiency and strengthen relationships between partners and organizations by removing the difficulties associated with conducting international conference calls.

Language barriers are eliminated with AI ExpertMeet acting as a daily helper. Participants from various locations and languages may communicate with ease thanks to built-in AI translation. This clever technology can also identify speakers with clarity thanks to speaker-identification capabilities. It can also record presenters’ remarks and summarize the main points of conversation into a brief summary.

Furthermore, users may concentrate fully on the discussion without having to manually take notes during or after talks thanks to the AI Meeting Minutes function, which helps to extract the most crucial information from meetings. Regardless of language or geographic barriers, this state-of-the-art technology makes it simpler than ever to maintain productivity and efficiency during meetings by streamlining the whole process.

With the help of AI ExpertMeet, users may also improve their visibility during video conferences by watermarking their business card with their name, position, firm, and contact details so that everyone can see it. Additionally, ExpertBook P1’s screen-watermark feature guarantees data security from the time it is exchanged, safeguarding private and commercial information.

AI ExpertMeet can apply speech-to-text transcriptions with distinct speaker IDs after a call is over. This feature records all of the words said, pulls the most important information from many speakers, and indicates clearly who uttered each important point. Combined with the capacity to proficiently and automatically

synthesize these main ideas, using AI ExpertMeet’s capacity of transcribe meetings and producing succinct summaries by collecting and emphasizing crucial facts, makes ExpertBook P1 an indispensable tool for today’s business and work environment.

Carefully planned to optimize effectiveness

The ASUS ExpertBook P1 is designed to provide outstanding user experiences and encourage effective work. To begin with, its extensive array of ports and connections is arranged in a way that guarantees an organized workspace and enables the mouse to be moved freely without being impeded by cables. To enable easy mouse usage, the right side of the device is nearly completely devoid of ports.

ASUS’s goal is to make technology-human interaction more natural, and every aspect of the ExpertBook P1’s design has been thought out to expedite daily tasks and provide pleasurable experiences. A row of videoconference shortcut buttons makes handling online meetings quick and simple, making it one of the user-friendly features. Additionally, this new laptop has an ergonomic keyboard with full-sized keycaps for the best possible input experiences, increasing productivity and efficiency throughout the working day.

Enhanced enterprise-level security

ASUS ExpertBook P1’s strong security measures act as a personal, always-vigilant guard for sensitive data. The laptop’s integrated enterprise-grade security protects information and prevents illegal access, guaranteeing data confidentiality and high levels of privacy.

Enterprise-grade firmware security that conforms to NIST BIOS integrity criteria is a feature of ExpertBook P1. The enhanced root-of-trust security mechanism guarantees that no intrusion attempt is missed. Hardware-level defense against malware and advanced cyberattacks is further provided by Trusted Platform Module 2.0 (TPM 2.0).

This sophisticated security mechanism guards the system against possible attacks by preventing BIOS rollbacks via downgrade protection. In the case of firmware corruption, the ability to save customized settings inside the BIOS facilitates rapid recovery. Additionally, ExpertBook P1 complies with the Windows Secured-core PC standard, offering companies the assurance they want that their data is secure by default and doesn’t require user intervention.

A complementary one-year subscription to McAfee+ Premium, which offers McAfee Smart AI for sophisticated threat detection and round-the-clock identity monitoring, as well as tools for online account cleanup and personal data cleanup, is also included with ExpertBook P1. Would you like to receive notifications on latest updates? No Yes