Wednesday, September 18, 2024

IBM’s commitment to Ecological computing

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With Dell, IBM established the Responsible.Computing movement in response to corporate worries about how technology affects the environment. This membership consortium is run by the Object Management Group.

Customers, business partners, and employees all have high expectations for ethical corporate policies and procedures. Every business will be able to educate themselves on their duties, develop goals, and assess their progress in relation to these aspirations thanks to the establishment of a cogent, integrated framework through responsible computing across six essential domains:

IBM responsibility
image credit to IBM

The six domains of the Responsible.Computing framework

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Six areas of concentration make up the framework, which shows how IBM views responsibility:

  • Data : Minimizing the negative effects of developing and operating data centers on the environment. Find out more about managing data centers.
  • Infrastructure: A holistic approach to the lifecycle of computing units, including the source of rare and precious metals and minimizing their consumption, as well as the reduction of energy consumption and computer units, and finally the recycling of the units.
  • Code: Writing effective, transparent, and secure code. Study up on green coding.
  • Data usage: Implementing data privacy and transparency procedures, obtaining authorisation for any data harvest, and requesting approval for use.
  • Systems: Creating morally upright and impartial systems, including comprehensible AI.
  • Impact: Dealing with societal problems like social mobility.

Technology today plays a critical role in determining politics, digital economies, and transitional industries (such as the car industry), thus the Responsible.In addition to sustainability and climate change, the Computing() framework also includes additional topics including ethics, security, and openness.

Although IBM Cloud makes significant contributions to technological growth, we also believe in protecting data privacy and security and advancing trust and ethics in our products from the very beginning. In order to address contemporary societal concerns, IBM Cloud works with business, government, and regulators to safeguard the environment, cut down on consumption, secure data privacy, generate effective code, and create reliable systems.

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