Saturday, July 27, 2024

Impact of Generative AI on Customer Care Service

How generative AI is changing customer Care service

If you’ve talked to Bard or another conversation AI tool in the last year, you probably agree with his that these services are the future of enterprise technology. As new generative AI capabilities become more accessible, you may be wondering how to use them in your organization. Gen AI can unlock value in many use cases, but customer service, particularly the contact center, is a good place to start due to its low risk and clear, measurable ROI from increased NPS/CSAT, agent productivity, and operational savings.

Most companies have contact centers or customer service channels. These operations leaders are always looking for ways to improve customer satisfaction, reduce cost, improve query handling times, and find upselling and cross-selling opportunities despite legacy infrastructure, staff turnover, and shrinking budgets. However, generative AI offers a powerful cloud-based path to contact center modernization.

At google cloud discussed how Gen Digital, Wells Fargo, ING, and Six Flags are adopting Google Cloud’s Vertex AI Conversation and Contact Center AI offerings.

Live Agent Assist: The obvious first step

Many CIOs and CX executives ask where to start this transformation. Agent Assist from Google Cloud is the fastest and safest start. Agent Assist is safe, easy to deploy, and requires little customization. It works in Dual mode with a human agent in the middle. Agent handling time, CSAT, and NPS are measurable. That makes it a good first step for gen AI and contact center transformation.

image credit to google

Agent Assist uses generative AI to speed up, improve, and boost agent productivity:

Live transcription with PII reduction lets agents focus on the call instead of taking notes.

An internal bot in the agent’s console that listens to the conversation and provides real-time answers and suggestions to help them learn and respond faster.

Summarization provides high-quality, structured, and comprehensive summaries when customers are transferred between human and virtual agents and at call end.

This saves agents time, boosts CSAT in future calls, and gives contact center executives compliance and business intelligence data.

After a call, coaching advises live agents on behavior and upsell, cross-sell, and compliance.

Soon, they add real-time live translation so agents and customers can chat in two languages using AI. ALL agents will receive personalized continuous monitoring and coaching with real-time score cards and post-call training.

Make finding information easy

They heard from customers that 20% to 30% (and often much higher) of call center calls are information-seeking calls with answers. Even for simple questions, most customers are routed to a human agent because traditional chat or voice bots can’t answer the right question or anticipate all possible questions.

Vertex AI Conversation and Dialogflow CX simplify this process by providing an out-of-the-box, customizable, and secure generative AI agent that can answer information-seeking questions.

You can point the agent to the right information source instead of hard-coding it. You choose a domain name, storage location, or upload documents, and do the rest. Behind the scenes, they parse this data and create a gen AI agent that can naturally discuss content with customers. It’s not just a large language model; it’s a robust search stack that’s factual and constantly refreshed, so you don’t have to worry about hallucination or freshness like in pure LLM bots.

The Dialogflow Messaging Client lets you integrate the agent into your website, business or messaging apps, and contact center stack. This allows for the quick and low-cost redirection of many support calls to self-service with high customer satisfaction.

Backend connectivity and action completion

Asking questions is very useful and profitable. To fully automate your customer experience, your bots must be able to check order status, access bills, update payment details, schedule appointments, and more. Vertex AI Extensions and connectors make connecting to enterprise systems as simple as pointing to applications.

Vertex AI data connectors provide read-only access to enterprise data sources and third-party applications like Salesforce, JRA, and Confluence to keep your applications fresh and improve knowledge discovery. These connectors index application data to give users the latest information.

Through APIs, Vertex AI extensions can retrieve real-time data and act on Google Cloud or third-party applications for users. Booking flights on a travel website or requesting a vacation in your HR system are examples. Gmail, Drive, BigQuery, Docs, and partners like American Express, GitLab, and Workday have extensions from us.

As extensions and connectors are open standards, developers can upload their own for reuse.

Improve task management in days

Google Cloud’s Contact Center AI pre-builds common tasks like authenticate, explain bill, check order status, and make payment to save time and money. However, all companies have unique tasks and business logic. This makes defining and adding these easier and faster.

Generative AI makes programming a virtual agent or chatbot as easy as writing natural language instructions. The new playbook feature in Vertex AI Conversation and Dialogflow CX lets you automate tasks without AI experts.

Instead, use natural language to describe tasks and create a playbook agent to generate and follow a workflow. Playbook lets you build and deploy conversational AI chat or voice bots in days or hours.

These generative AI bots can be built once and used across mobile apps and websites instead of defining processes for each task. This means customers can get answers regardless of how they interact with your company.

Making powerful virtual agents with gen AI:

  • Combining it
  • Enhance virtual and human agents’ complex call handling

Generative AI excels at simplifying complex calls. Multi-modal foundation models let chatbots and virtual agents have voice, text, image, and transaction conversations. The call companion feature in Dialogflow CX lets you provide an interactive visual interface on a user’s phone during a voicebot call.

While an agent is talking, users can see options on their phone and share names, addresses, email addresses, and more via text and images. Visual elements like clickable menu options can be responded to during the conversation.

Call Companion enhances voice interactions and speeds up customer service. A virtual agent can handle all service and support calls, speeding up resolution. This useful feature is demonstrated in google session.

Making Day 1 valuable for contact center teams

Current infrastructure limitations are a major issue for customer service leaders. Contact Center AI Platform, an end-to-end cloud-native Contact Center as a Service, launched last year. CCAI Platform is secure, scalable, and built on cutting-edge AI, user-first design, and time-to-value.

With CCAI Platform, you get all the above gen AI capabilities from Day 1. At google they introduced a CCAI-P “Intelligent Virtual Agent only” option to access all of our gen AI services from your contact center to Google Cloud with a light touch pipeline. This feature works with on-premises or non-Google Cloud partner CCaaS infrastructure.

The latest advances in generative AI point to shorter technology adoption timelines, and our team and are focused on helping customers realize Day 1 value.

They created several value packs with Google Cloud partners to help they start their AI journey where Vertex AI’s latest innovations are available to all entry points. Visit our Vertex AI Conversation and Contact Center AI sessions.

Agarapu Ramesh was founder of the Govindhtech and Computer Hardware enthusiast. He interested in writing Technews articles. Working as an Editor of Govindhtech for one Year and previously working as a Computer Assembling Technician in G Traders from 2018 in India. His Education Qualification MSc.


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