Friday, March 14, 2025

Discover the Secrets of PlayStation 5 Slim Deconstruction

They so called PlayStation 5 Slim has been featured in a handful of new deconstruction videos uploaded to YouTube by prominent content providers on that platform. In spite of the fact that there were opposing viewpoints of the PlayStation 5 Slim ‘s dimensions, both of our sources agreed that the system on a chip (SoC) and the amount of power it required were identical to those of the first-generation PS5. The advantages of modular construction seem to be on the horizon, however.

Linus Tech Tips (LTT) and Dave2D, two of the most prominent tech channels on YouTube, have both received the latest iteration of the PlayStation 5 Slim (often referred to as the “PS5 Slim”) in order to disassemble and examine it in more detail. It is interesting to note that Dave Lee believes that the PS5 Slim “is not actually that much smaller” than the original PS5 console, whereas Linus Sebastian believes that the new model is “way smaller” than the original PS5 console.

However, both of these individuals appear to have mixed feelings regarding the combination of glossy and matt panels that have been chosen for the revised console’s design.

Both channels were quick to point out that it looks to be the same 6-nm AMD Oberon Plus CPU that was found in the previous PlayStation 5 Slim version (2022) and that is also included in the current model. This is despite the fact that it had been previously speculated that the PS5 Slim will come with an updated 5 nm chip. The die is measured at around 260 mm2, which indicates to the 6-nm component, and in the Dave2D PlayStation 5 Slim take down film, a stress test loop and power consumption chart show that the same chip is aboard.

PlayStation 5 Slim

Unsurprisingly, the PS5 Slim does not seem to exhibit any enhanced power efficiency when compared to its bigger predecessor, which required a power supply of 370 watts. This information is consistent across all channels.

The modularity feature of the PlayStation 5 Slim , and maybe the future of PlayStation as a whole, is one of the fascinating and intriguing aspects that ought to be brought to your attention.

The user is shown that the detachable disk drive can be removed with ease, and it is at this point that Sebastian’s interest regarding the connection type prompts him to question whether Sony has made this particular decision to allow for more peripherals or “detachables” to join the PS5 ecosystem in the future. The detachable disk drive is shown to be readily removable by the user.

Other PlayStation 5 Slim secrets that were uncovered through the teardowns include a significant change in the construction of the vents both internally and externally, the presence of a 19-blade cooling fan manufactured by Foxconn, the transition from 2x 5 Gb + 2x 10 Gb ports to 1x 5 Gb + 3x 10 Gb on the rear, and the replacement of the USB-C + USB-A ports on the front of the older console with 2x USB-C ports for the 2023 model.

The release date of the PS5 Slim is purportedly referenced as being on November 10 in the LTT film, although this information has not yet been verified by Sony.


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