Friday, October 18, 2024

Human Centric BPM For Customer Service and Teamwork

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Human Centric BPM

BPM: What is it?

According to Gartner , business process management (BPM) is the application of techniques to identify, model, analyse, measure, enhance, and optimise business strategy and processes.

Although task and project management are occasionally confused with it, business process management encompasses more ground than these related subjects. Whereas BPM monitors the entire process from beginning to end, task management concentrates on individual tasks. While project management refers to a one-time scope of work, business process management (BPM) focuses specifically on repeatable processes.

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Organisations can reduce costs and increase efficiencies by streamlining their entire workflows through continuous process reengineering. BPM methods like lean and six sigma are not new.

In order to accomplish business outcomes, business process management suites can coordinate people, systems, information, and materials by integrating advanced analytics, activity monitoring, and decision management capabilities. They have therefore proven especially beneficial in hastening digital transformation initiatives.

Different types of BPM

Integration-centric, human-centric, and document-centric business process management are the three primary categories.

Integration centric BPM

This branch of BPM concentrates on tasks that can be completed mostly by hand. These procedures rely more on APIs and other mechanisms that combine data from several systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) and human resource management (HRM).

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Human centric BPM

This type of BPM, in contrast to integration-centric BPM, is centred on human involvement, usually in situations where approvals are needed. Teams can assign tasks to different roles with intuitive drag-and-drop user interfaces, which makes it easier to hold people accountable throughout the process.

Document centric BPM

BPM that is focused on a single document, like a contract. Businesses must go through several approval processes and forms when they buy a good or service in order to establish a contract between the vendor and the customer.

Lifecycle of business process management

Establishing the steps in a workflow is the first step in creating a successful BPM system. This aids in the team’s identification of areas for development and progress metrics. Businesses can enhance their operations and achieve better business results by implementing business process management. You must comprehend the BPM lifecycle in its entirety in order to attain these outcomes. The five lifecycle steps are as follows:

Process designz

The group should begin by defining the process’s checkpoints. From there, each workflow step’s task owner should be identified, as well as specific tasks within the larger BPM process. To enable the team to pinpoint areas for process optimisation and the ensuing metrics to monitor progress, the steps need to be well-defined.


The group should produce a graphic depiction of the process model at this stage. Particulars like deadlines, job descriptions, and any data flow in the process should be included. In this stage, business process management software helps.


To test the new BPM system with a small group, the team should carry out a proof of concept. Once the team has taken into account any feedback, they can start rolling out the process to more people.


The group should keep an eye on the procedure during this stage, noting any new bottlenecks and tracking any efficiency gains.


In order to enhance business activity, the team makes any last-minute changes to the process at this stage.

Although thorough planning and honest communication are necessary for a BPM project to succeed, teams soon realise the advantages of it after a series of improved tasks.

Benefits of business process management

Through process improvement, BPM solutions raise organisational value and provide a number of advantages. These are some:

Enhanced productivity and cost savings

BPM systems support the streamlining of current processes and the addition of greater structure during the process of creating new ones. The process becomes more productive and efficient by eliminating bottlenecks and redundant steps. Agility helps companies achieve goals faster and reallocate resources to higher-priority tasks.

Improved customer and employee experience

A BPM toolkit helps reduce duplication of effort and increase information accessibility. Distractions can be eliminated so that workers can concentrate on their work and customers, which raises customer satisfaction. In the process of onboarding new employees, clear workflows also reduce the learning curve, which boosts output and engagement.

More scalable processes

Better process execution and workflow automation are made possible by BPM, and this is beneficial when expanding operations to new regions of the globe. Tools for business process management can help define roles and ensure consistency throughout the process. They can also highlight areas where business rules can be automated, freeing up teams to concentrate more on innovation.

Increased transparency

Business process automation increases accountability and transparency by explicitly defining who is responsible for each task along the process. Teams are encouraged to communicate more as a result.

Decreased reliance on development teams

BPM provides low-code functionalities that eliminate possible development dependencies. These solutions enable quick and simple onboarding of business users, increasing process automation throughout the organisation.

Use cases for business process management

By adding more structure to processes, business process management (BPM) software reduces workflow inefficiencies. Here are a few instances of successful applications:

Distribution of content

BPM enables media companies to automate the entire content preparation and delivery process, from content creation to distribution. Work order systems, content traffic, rights management, and content management can all be integrated with a business process management system.

Customer service

When there is a high volume of service requests, customer service representatives can identify frequently asked questions for chatbots to handle, relieving the workload on the team. Call centre and chatbot transcript data can also be used to further automate procedures and provide more customised responses for consumers.


Organisations can expedite the purchase of business software or hardware by standardising the submission of purchase orders from different teams by creating templates. Workflows can also be customised for special circumstances.

Human resources

BPM can be used by HR to make document and workflow management more efficient. It offers a more organised setting for completing HR forms, including those related to timesheet approval, performance reviews, vacation requests, and employee onboarding and offboarding.


Banks must assess loan applicants’ potential credit risk when processing loans for individuals or businesses. This entails gathering data from a variety of sources, including credit rating agencies, employers, and applicants. By controlling information flow throughout the process and lowering documentation errors, business process management (BPM) speeds up decisions regarding loan eligibility.

Order completion

Business Process Management (BPM) can improve order fulfilment efficiency. Order capture, order fulfilment, and special offers can all be managed with BPM. As a result, the procedure is changed to customer-centric order management, which increases business value.

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Thota nithya
Thota nithya
Thota Nithya has been writing Cloud Computing articles for govindhtech from APR 2023. She was a science graduate. She was an enthusiast of cloud computing.

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