Thursday, October 17, 2024

Quantum HPC Ushers in a New Era of Quantum Computing

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Quantum HPC is a new discipline that combines quantum computing with high-performance computing (HPC).

Breakdown of the idea:

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HPC systems use parallel processing to solve complicated problems that single computers cannot. Scientific models, medicine research, and weather forecasting use them extensively.

Quantum Computing: Quantum computers compute using quantum mechanics. Traditional computers utilise bits (0 or 1), but quantum computers employ qubits, which can be superposed. This makes them faster than classical computers at solving specific tasks.

HPC Quantum Computing

While powerful, older HPC systems have task constraints. But quantum computers excel at tackling problems that traditional computers find exponentially complex. This gap is addressed by quantum HPC:

Quantum Circuit Optimisation: HPC systems can build and optimise quantum circuits for quantum computers, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

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Verifying outcomes: HPC can verify small-scale quantum computation outcomes.
Researchers are developing hybrid algorithms that use classical and quantum computers to solve complicated issues.

Quantum HPC benefits:

This connection could revolutionise fields like:

Materials Science: Simulating complicated materials for medicine, battery, and catalyst development.

Financial modelling: Portfolio optimisation and risk management.

Cryptography: Breaking encryption and creating post-quantum cryptography.

Current Status:

Quantum HPC is young. Maintaining quantum coherence and scaling quantum computers are continuing scientific issues. Japanese organisations like RIKEN Centre for Computational Science are creating quantum-HPC hybrid platforms.

Future Outlook:

Quantum HPC could boost scientific discoveries and technological innovation. We may expect to see more progress in merging classical and quantum computing to solve the world’s hardest issues.

IBM Quantum system has been chosen by RIKEN to be built into the supercomputer Fugaku.

RIKEN is a Japanese national research centre that has agreed to use IBM’s best-performing quantum processor and next-generation quantum computer architecture at the RIKEN Centre for Computational Science in Kobe, Japan. This is the one and only occasion that the supercomputer Fugaku and a quantum computer will be together.

A division of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), NEDO backs the “Development of Integrated Utilisation Technology for Quantum and Supercomputers” as a component of the “Project for Research and Development of Enhanced Infrastructures for Post-5G Information and Communications Systems.”” This agreement was signed as part of RIKEN’s ongoing project.

IBM Quantum System 2

IBM’s Quantum System Two design is only used by RIKEN for the purposes of putting its project into action. RIKEN, SoftBank Corp., the University of Tokyo, and Osaka University are working together on a project to show how useful these kinds of hybrid computing platforms will be for providing services in the future after 5G. The goal is to improve business and science in Japan.

In addition to the project, IBM will work on building the software stack needed to create and run integrated quantum-classical workflows in a quantum-HPC hybrid system with different types of computers. With these new features, algorithm quality and processing times will be able to be made better.

IBM plans to introduce its next-generation quantum computing architecture with IBM Quantum System Two, which will be installed at RIKEN and connected to Fugaku. This system will include expandable cryogenic infrastructure, modular quantum control electronics, and advanced system software to provide quantum computing services that work with traditional HPC services. These are the core parts of IBM’s vision for quantum-centric supercomputing.

Quantum Centric Supercomputing

Quantum-centric supercomputing is made possible by combining quantum and classical computing tools and using them to run computations faster than ever before. IBM thinks that quantum computing will be an important part of the design of quantum-centric supercomputing, which is the future of traditional HPC. And IBM Quantum System Two is one of the most important parts of this design.

A 133-qubit “IBM Quantum Heron” processor will run the system. The IBM Heron is the first in a new line of quantum processors. Its design brings the best performance of any IBM quantum processor released so far. Experiments done on IBM Heron had the lowest error rates of any IBM Quantum processor. This was five times better than the previous best records set by IBM Eagle, which can now be accessed through the cloud.

As the number of qubits grows and the accuracy gets better, NISQ’s advanced quantum computers are now ready to be used in real life. In the eyes of the HPC, quantum computers are machines that speed up science programmes that are usually run on supercomputers and make it possible to do calculations that supercomputers can’t do yet.

The head of the Quantum HPC Collaborative Platform Division at the RIKEN Centre for Computational Science, Dr. Mitsuhisa Sato, said, “RIKEN is committed to developing system software for quantum-HPC hybrid computing by leveraging its extensive scientific research capabilities and experience in the development and operation of cutting-edge supercomputers such as Fugaku.”

“IBM’s agreement with RIKEN is a huge step towards a future dominated by quantum-centric supercomputing,” said Jay Gambetta, IBM Fellow and Vice President, IBM Quantum. “It is the first quantum system that will directly connect with the Fugaku classical supercomputer.” “This work moves the field closer to a modular and adaptable structure that combines quantum computing and communication with traditional computing resources. This way, both can be used together to solve problems that get harder to solve.”

IBM has advanced significantly in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, cloud solutions tailored to specific industries, and consulting. These innovations give our customers a lot of open and flexible choices. IBM has a long history of committing to trust, openness, responsibility, inclusion, and service.

Regarding RIKEN

The largest research institute in Japan for both basic and applied study is RIKEN. The top scientific and technology journals publish around 2500 articles authored by RIKEN researchers annually. The subjects covered in these papers are many and include biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and medical research. RIKEN is renowned for its outstanding research all over the world because of its focus on globalisation and multidisciplinary cooperation.

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Thota nithya
Thota nithya
Thota Nithya has been writing Cloud Computing articles for govindhtech from APR 2023. She was a science graduate. She was an enthusiast of cloud computing.

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