Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Start Oracle cloud Mastery: The Complete Implementation Guide

Effective Oracle cloud implementation guide

With Oracle, one of the world’s leading ERP tools, companies can transform their business processes and boost operational efficiency. Large and small companies are digitizing and managing massive data sets. Oracle’s ERP system streamlines business processes and reduces costs, using information to help organizations make better decisions in fast-changing environments.

It serves 430,000 customers in 175 countries and solves thousands of use cases. Few Oracle Cloud ERP implementations are alike due to its high configurability. The platform has modernized and unified major financial firms’ IT ecosystems, simplified HCM across subsidiaries, and optimized reporting processes in complex healthcare settings.

Supply chain management and human resources are integrated and unified by the software, giving an organization a holistic view of its operations and breaking down data silos. Oracle cloud simplifies routine tasks with automation to boost efficiency. The platform’s advanced reporting gives organizations real-time performance insights to make quick, data-driven decisions.

Before Oracle was implemented

Implementing Oracle cloud can seem daunting. The process can take years, but some companies have saved tens of millions of US dollars by adopting it. Oracle’s unique cloud solutions can reduce costs and streamline operations for any size business with careful planning and organizational strategy.

Whether a company wants to use Oracle for finance or HR or the entire cloud, it must plan carefully. Organizations undergoing a digital transformation must visualize how an ERP system will integrate with all business operations.

Business leaders should ask these questions before adopting Oracle:

What data or regulatory requirements does my company have? Oracle ERP implementation is simpler when deployed entirely on the cloud, but some organizations have regulatory or data residency requirements that require on-site data storage or dedicated clouds. Choose between a hybrid cloud solution with on-premises data storage or a “air-gapped” private cloud.

Which Oracle modules will my company use? Oracle provides complete ERP solutions for specific use cases. These include Oracle SCM, HCM, and Procurement for supply chain, human capital, and procure-to-pay management. The company’s E-Business Suite includes industry-specific apps. Research pricing and choose modules that fit your company.

Is my company picking an implementation partner? An experienced, Oracle-endorsed specialist can streamline implementation and lower adoption costs. Research implementation partner options and choose an experienced Oracle cloud implementation firm from the Oracle Partner Network.

Oracle implementation planning

Planning is essential to Oracle Cloud ERP implementation, even more so than deployment. Many stakeholders, department heads, and IT partners will need to contribute to the planning process. Organizations should research each module, choose the best Oracle edition for their business needs, and determine the software’s system requirements.

Project planning aims to turn a deep understanding of an organization’s business requirements into an Oracle migration and implementation blueprint. Define the implementation project’s goal, scope, timeline, budget, and risk management plan. Choose which data to migrate now, as some older data may be best stored in a secure archive. Consider what user training will be provided before and after deployment.

Oracle’s Unified Method (OUM) has provided a full lifecycle approach to ERP software implementation since 2006. Consider training an internal team on OUM or hiring an Oracle Partner Network expert for complex projects.

Oracle recommends five information categories for planning:

This blueprint will include implementation project information. It will outline the project’s mission, roadmap to Oracle adoption, budget, staffing, timeline, and risk assessment. Software and hardware installation requirements will be included if the project involves on-premises data storage.

The project team:

Oracle implementation requires a project manager and input from business partners and on-site employees familiar with the business processes to be migrated. Create a cross-collaborative implementation team with clear roles and identify key stakeholders to consult and test the system.

Designing the project This phase of planning assesses which applications will be deployed, which third-party systems must be integrated, and how migration will affect business operations. It will also specify user or user group requirements and data structure.

Launching the project This details how and when the new system will be implemented. Organizations should determine which departments, locations, and orders the new system will cover. This phase of planning includes projected project milestones and system metrics after launch.

Communication about projects:

Effective project management includes a detailed plan to educate employees on Oracle’s benefits and use cases from the start. Change management and internal team engagement are crucial for organizations.

System implementation for Oracle

After the project management team is formed and detailed planning is complete, implementation can begin. This phase configures the platform to meet business needs and migrates core data. Oracle cloud provides many templates for item definition during data cataloging and cloud migration.

Oracle usually refers to implementation steps as CIDER:

  • Oracle is highly configurable and can be used for many core business activities. Organizations define user roles and data architecture during configuration.
  • Oracle merges with third-party and legacy IT systems during this phase. The project implementation team closely collaborates with IT to merge all necessary systems. To connect applications and data sources, organizations can use Oracle’s cloud integration platform or Oracle Cloud Marketplace.
  • Conversion and migration of data occur here. Some hardware data may be cloud-stored. All relevant data should be extracted and converted before loading into the system.


After migrating data, organizations can import and configure any of Oracle’s many SaaS applications and extensions.


Oracle Cloud ERP has many business-case-specific reports. In this phase of implementation, organizations should decide which reports to capture intermittently and which data to visualize using the platform’s real-time monitoring dashboards.

Oracle system verification

Caesars Entertainment discovered the value of extensive testing when it moved its financial operations to Oracle Fusion Cloud. Caesars’ Vice President of finance transformation recently stressed the importance of giving testing your “undivided attention” and involving partners and suppliers. He advised testing applications under “extreme condition” to avoid surprises when the system went live.

System testing must be frequent and extensive before go-live for a successful Oracle implementation. On launch, accurate, clean data and workflows prevent disruptions and downtime.

  • To ensure data accuracy, organizations should test these variables:
  • Data archive: Securely archive and easily access older data that may not have been imported to Oracle.
  • Make sure migrated data is clean, correct, and current. Verify that data follows the dedicated hierarchy.
  • Responsibility and roles: Input all identifications and company roles and map their relationships.
  • Security: Store sensitive data properly. Get rid of unnecessary data. 
  • Workflows: Test primary and branch workflow paths for each case to verify every workflow.

User acceptance allows key stakeholders to provide feedback after testing. This process should include executives, department heads, and other team members who will use and teach Oracle. An Oracle system component that doesn’t meet stakeholder expectations or the planning blueprint must be fixed and re-examined to ensure the implementation process meets expectations.

Oracle system preparation and delivery

After extensive testing and user acceptance, final implementation begins. Proper internal communication during preparation and delivery will ensure a smooth rollout. Organizations should prepare systems, users, and the organization for full implementation. This stage is useful for making a final list of issues to fix. Team members can receive passwords and usernames. End-user training and business channel feedback sessions should be scheduled in the weeks before and after go-live.

If all these steps are taken and team members are informed about the new system’s best practices and use cases, deployment should go smoothly. In this phase, the IT and project teams should monitor system performance and key metrics from the planning stage. User and stakeholder feedback will help identify issues before they happen and ensure the system works properly. After deployment, a celebration is a good way to thank the team and get early system user feedback.

Oracle, IBM

IBM has been a major Oracle partner for nearly 40 years. Over 10,000 Oracle cloud consultants have helped clients complete 6,500 Oracle projects. IBM provides Oracle services and consulting that includes a roadmap for cloud transformation investment, from consulting to cloud implementation to management.




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