With the XQ1 the first mobile quantum processor in the world with multiple qubits XeedQ makes quantum processing accessible to anyone. Its XQi family of quantum processors is customized to meet the individual needs of each customer and offers unmatched performance even under harsh working conditions.
Quantum computing will have an impact on trade, banking, health, and world peace by 2030. With XeedQ, you can get a head start on developing your next big idea right now.
The XQ1 is a room-temperature operative, energy-efficient, green, and reasonably priced mobile quantum processor that can be beautifully placed in your home office. It is the first of its kind.
The first quantum computer of its sort to be tested and implemented in Germany is the ground-breaking XQ1 Quantum Processor System by XeedQ. It sets itself apart with a number of cutting-edge features made for mobility, strong on-premises performance, and inexpensive operating expenses. There is no need for complicated cooling systems because the gadget functions well at ambient temperature. It is very useful for turn-key and instructional use, taking less than 5 minutes to reach operational readiness.
Features of the XQ1
With cutting-edge technology, the system can do complex quantum computations. Its open-source software allows for modification and growth. Its wide range of connectivity choices, which include LAN and Wi-Fi, guarantee operating flexibility in isolated locations. In addition to advancing technology, this portable quantum computing solution encourages a quantum-inclusive economy and educational outreach, opening up powerful quantum computing to a wider audience.
- Every qubit is coupled to the central spin in a star topology.
- Operating at room temperature: The most energy-efficient
- Remarkably resilient: automatic calibration and alignment
- Jupyter notebook for quantum circuits with Python interface
- Control of pulse level: for all qubits
- GPS and atomic clock synchronization and stability are optional.
- Compatibility of High-Performance Computing interfaces
- On-site computing: Little file cabinet size
Build Your Own Quantum Processor
With only a plug-and-play, XQ1 lets you embrace quantum solutions for your needs now and be ready for the opportunities and challenges of tomorrow.
Quantum processor with many qubits
The modular 4+ qubit quantum processor XQ1 allows you to create, build, and execute real-world quantum algorithms and operations.
Diamond Requirements
XeedQ inventions combined with the amazing spin qubits allow us to develop quantum processors that are scalable, practical, resilient, and economical.
Most Economical
Because our systems are solid-state and run at room temperature, they are excellent in terms of energy efficiency, ownership costs, size, and usability.
Prepare yourself for the upcoming computer era
At the forefront of quantum computing, XeedQ offers an unrestricted platform that lets you use this ground-breaking new technology to express your ideas.
XeedQ plan to deploy 256+ qubit mobile quantum computers by 2026. XeedQ now offering its 4+ qubit system, and it will be releasing goods with growing quantum metrics on a regular basis.
You can innovate the “next-big-thing” in computing with the help of XeedQ.
Algorithms in Quantum
The intrinsic quantum capabilities of superposition and entanglement in quantum processors can be exploited for computing benefits in problem solving. Create the next algorithm worth a billion dollars!
Encryption standards provided by quantum systems are nearly impenetrable. Greetings from the mobile footprint of future-proof quantum secure communications.
Artificial Intelligence Enhanced by Quantum
AI and quantum computing together provide hitherto imagined possibilities. XQ systems provide the “Quantumness” that enhances, not only complements, hybrid computing.
Better modeling, resource optimization, and improved AI/ML decision-making in AML and security are all made possible by quantum processors.
Quantum-assisted treatments and cures: pharmacogenetic modeling, target identification, process optimization, and structure prediction.
Put XQ1i on reserve right now
A powerful quantum processor that provides the best performance levels in modular, safe, mobile, and fully customizable systems. It provide comprehensive quantum solutions that cover design, development, applications, and adjustments to meet your needs.