Saturday, March 15, 2025

Upgrade to v3 of App Service Environment

The end of support for App Service Environment versions 1 and 2 will take place on August 31, 2024, according to an announcement made by Azure. If you have not yet updated to App Service Environment version 3, we would like to bring to your attention the many technical resources and advantages that are available to you, which should make it easier for you to plan the migration as soon as possible.

Keep in mind that the end of life is conditional on the phase-out of the fundamental Cloud Service (traditional) infrastructure; as a result, it is possible that your services will no longer function after the deadline has passed.

We have released a variety of tools and resources in order to provide your development and IT teams with the assistance they need in order to upgrade with confidence and unleash the new capabilities. In addition to the technical documentation that will be discussed later, another resource that is highly recommended is the Learn Live session with Azure FastTrack Architects that is now accessible on demand. This session provides viewers with a detailed overview of the actions that need to be taken in order to successfully complete the migration.

An App Service Environment is a component of the Azure App Service that offers a dedicated and completely isolated environment for the purpose of executing App Service applications in a safe manner at very large scales.

The most recent release of the App Service Environment software is version 3, which was released in 2018. It operates on more powerful infrastructure that can go up to 64 cores and 256 GB RAM with quicker scaling speeds for both Windows and Linux, and it has a simpler network architecture. These benefits are in addition to the fact that it is easier to use. In this post, we will discuss some of the benefits that come with using App Service Environment version 3, as well as the many different methods that your team may start the process of upgrading right now.

v3 upgrade steps
Image credit to Microsoft Azure

The App Service Environment version 3 provides more functionality at a reduced price

The App Service Environment version 3 comes with a number of improvements that rethink the way programmers, architects, and other application creators create, deploy, and manage their programs. In a recent blog post, I went into further depth on these advantages; the following are some of the most important ones:

  • App Service Environment v3 relies on the most recent Virtual Machine Scale Sets architecture, which gives it the ability to perform at the highest possible level and to scale up or down at the quickest possible rate among all versions. In contrast to earlier versions, the platform is responsible for managing front-end scaling, and scaling procedures do not prevent other processes from being performed.
  • App Service Environment v3 is meant to minimize networking dependencies on the customer’s virtual network, which is a significant improvement over earlier versions. This provides an increased level of security. Application traffic to and from your applications is the only traffic that travels via your virtual network; management and dependency traffic remains on the Azure backbone.
  • Higher resistance to breaking: An App Service Environment v3 may be configured to be able to sustain a zonal failure within a region if it is hosted in an Azure region that has been enabled with Availability zones.
    • This functionality ensures a greater level of availability for applications that have been deployed and allows for the automated deployment of instances across various zones for apps that are mission-critical.
  • The elimination of the stamp charge in App Service Environment v3 and the introduction of higher instance sizes both contribute to a reduction in overall costs compared to earlier versions of the product.
    • You will also have the opportunity to make use of commitment-based services, such as Azure savings plans for compute and reserved instance pricing, both of which are unavailable in prior versions of Azure. This will allow you to lower the amount of money you spend on resources. My good buddy Jordan Selig has written an excellent blog article that explains how you may estimate the amount of money you will save.

Instruments and sources of information that facilitate the execution of an upgrade

You may discover more about the features, advantages, and migration resources associated with App Service Environment v3 by visiting the upgrade landing page for App Service Environment v3. This page is your one-stop shop.

Customers have used the cost-free automatic migration solution to effectively finish the conversion of hundreds of clusters on their own. You have the option of doing a pre-flight check in order to assess whether or not your environment satisfies the conditions for automating your upgrade by using the migration function. If it does not, you have the option of manually upgrading by following the full instructions.

In addition, Microsoft Learn has compiled guides, videos, and links that will assist you in becoming comfortable with the many choices available to you when it comes to upgrading to App Service Environment version 3.

The Microsoft Developer Community is a bustling online hub where industry professionals and peers come together to discuss and exchange ideas, experiences, and possible solutions. Participating in these forums allows developers to seek assistance from those who have already updated to App Service Environment version 3 and receive useful insights from others who have done so.

Free whitepaper on its use in sectors that are compliance-oriented

Companies operating in sectors that place a premium on compliance may have a need for cloud-based services inside an isolated, policy-based environment in order to streamline application lifecycle management. According to the findings of an in-depth investigation conducted by GigaOM, the public multi-tenant service and the single-tenant App Service Environment v3 work together to deliver the most recent generation of Azure’s platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering.

This helps to reduce the overheads associated with building and managing the services that are necessary for modern, digital-first applications. This platform applies these concepts to applications in compliance-oriented enterprises, which results in significant time savings for businesses operating in regulated sectors. You may get more information by downloading the whitepaper at no cost.

Having trouble? Microsoft Azure is here to assist you

Utilizing these user-friendly and cost-free tools will allow you to beat the approaching end-of-life date. If for any reason you hit a snag and want further assistance with your migration from FastTrack for Azure, please get in touch with the account team for your Microsoft account or a Microsoft partner.

Upgrading to version 3 of Azure App Service Environment is not only necessary but also a strategic step that will unlock numerous advantages for both you and your company. Earlier versions of Azure App Service Environment will be discontinued by the end of August 2024. Attend the on-demand Learn Live event and go through the App Service Environment Learn Collection if you want to make the most of the tools and resources that Microsoft provides as a way to aid you in the migration process.

News source: Microsoft Azure



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