Thursday, July 4, 2024

How Google Cloud enabled Airwallex to expand globally

What is Airwallex

Airwallex is always developing and adopting new technologies that can help businesses overcome international money transfer issues so they can expand without boundaries. Airwallex is on a mission to disrupt and transform the fintech sector. Google cloud present offerings include worldwide payments, treasury and cost management, and embedded finance services. Google cloud goal is to deliver end-to-end solutions. Google cloud can reduce friction from international payments and financial processes with Google cloud patented infrastructure, opening up new growth prospects for companies of all sizes.

At Airwallex, Google cloud developers are at the centre of all Google cloud do. They are very focused on striking a good balance between rapidity and quality, and Google cloud operate under the philosophy of “develop first, deploy fast,” which Google cloud believe has helped Google cloud clients.Because of this, Google cloud Gitlab and Google Cloud-based continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines must always operate at peak efficiency. Google cloud developed numerous integrations over the years, and Google cloud as have automated testing and validation, so Google cloud can deploy with confidence.

Entering new markets around the world using Google Cloud

In late 2018 and early 2019,Google cloud decided to grow globally and began looking for a platform. In the beginning, it made sense for us to be on a hybrid cloud with many providers because it offered greater assistance in the APAC area. But when Google cloud looked to grow,Google cloud objectives changed, and Google cloud discovered that Google Cloud’s well-established worldwide network best met Google cloud demands. With Google Cloud’s highly interconnected cloud architecture and sophisticated inter-regional capabilities, expanding into other regions was a breeze.

As Google cloud continue to expand Google cloud global network, Google cloud team has been able to take on projects that have gotten harder and more complex thanks to the scalability of Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and the agility of BigQuery.

Depending on Google Cloud’s dependability for CI/CD

Among other things, Airwallex depends on strong and adaptable CI/CD pipelines and APIs for smooth international money transfers. GitLab and GKE give us a scalable, always-available environment that helps us adapt to the market and security situations that are changing quickly.

In GKE clusters, all of Google cloud GitLab service components operate natively. Google cloud GitLab database is Cloud SQL, a fully managed relational database on Google Cloud; Google cloud GitLab object storage is the caching service on Memorystore and Cloud Storage buckets. Compute Engine virtual machines are also used to host a portion of Google cloud GitLab runners.

Scalability is one of Google Cloud’s main advantages. GitLab’s deployment on GKE has yielded significant scalability and reliability benefits for us. For instance,Google cloud never have to worry about the load on GitLab because to the autoscaling of GKE and the Horizontal Port Autoscaling (HPA) functionality of Kubernetes.

Both replicas and Kubernetes nodes can be automatically scaled in response to changes in container performance or node strain.Google cloud GitLab instance is more available because Google cloud GKE clusters are distributed regionally throughout three zones. By backing up GitLab data on Cloud Storage buckets, they can achieve up to 99.999% availability and ensure a 99.95% SLA for Google cloud GitLab database, thereby fostering a truly global DevOps culture.

When everything was done by hand, sending a release to production used to take eight hours.They can deliver a change, including manual stakeholder approvals, in less than an hour with an automated CI/CD pipeline.

Using Vertex AI to effectively detect fraud

For a fintech business, data security is critical. Fraud detection is the first line of defence since Google cloud need to make sure that Google cloud are dealing with reputable institutions. Google cloud started a new Vertex AI project in August 2023 that was centred on fraud analysis and anti-money laundering using generative AI technology.Google cloud they have integrated Vertex AI into Google cloud in-house fraud detection system to thoroughly examine any website provided to us by a customer and ascertain its legitimacy. Once the legitimacy of the website has been confirmed, it is run through Google cloud other machine learning models to determine its risk level.

Before this, Google cloud trained Google cloud machine learning models to identify fraud on Google cloud system using BigQuery. Google cloud daily activities can now be carried out more quickly and efficiently thanks to Vertex AI’s real-time fraud detection capabilities, which also allows us to respond to possible fraud much more quickly. Nevertheless, because BigQuery requires little upkeep and has strong security, Google cloud still utilise it to assist with other data-driven decisions. BigQuery’s highly scalable, serverless architecture makes it a very cost-effective tool.

Collaborating with a reliable partner to deliver mission-critical infrastructures

Working with the Google Cloud Professional Services Organisation (PSO) has changed everything for Airwallex. Google cloud engineers are motivated to always provide their finest work because of the team’s eagerness to share their extensive knowledge of system designs and SRE procedures. Google cloud can experiment and swiftly develop new products since Google cloud they have a committed team behind us, ensuring that Google cloud infrastructure is secure.

Future of Airwallex

Prolonged Global Expansion

One notable example of Airwallex‘s aggressive global expansion efforts is its most recent launch in Israel, along with plans for additional expansion throughout the Middle East . This pattern is probably going to continue as the business expands into other areas and becomes a significant force in the world of financial technology.

Emphasis on Embedded Finance

According to Airwallex, one important area for growth is embedded finance. It incorporates financial services straight into the platforms and apps that customers and organisations currently utilise. Airwallex has the opportunity to establish itself as a key player in the financial industry by giving companies the infrastructure and resources they need to deliver integrated financial products.

Innovation in Payments

Airwallex is ideally positioned to lead this shift as the global payments landscape is continuously changing. It is probable that the organisation will persist in creating novel and inventive payment methods that tackle the obstacles encountered by enterprises functioning in a worldwide marketplace .

These are but a handful of the future directions that Airwallex could go. Being a new and developing player in a sector that is changing quickly, the company’s capacity to innovate and adapt will be crucial to its success going forward.

Thota nithya
Thota nithya
Thota Nithya has been writing Cloud Computing articles for govindhtech from APR 2023. She was a science graduate. She was an enthusiast of cloud computing.


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