Friday, October 18, 2024

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A GPU-Based Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Testing Rules

As hybrid work users increase, GPUs, especially for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), are needed to improve user responsiveness and visuals without losing performance or price.

The Data Center GPU Flex Series is a single GPU solution that was developed by Intel in response to the need for it. It is designed to handle a broad variety of workloads in a flexible manner without sacrificing performance or quality. A wide variety of private cloud applications, including media distribution, artificial intelligence, metaverse, and others, may benefit from its ability to reduce and optimize the total cost of ownership.

On conjunction with LoginVSI, they have been diligently working to test the graphics processing units (GPUs) on virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) using the industry-standard Login Enterprise product for a variety of Reference Workloads, and they have achieved excellent results.

What is vdi (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure)

VDI is a modern technology that offers and handles virtual desktops using virtual computers. A virtual desktop is a preset representation of an operating system and its apps that can be accessed from any suitable device, as opposed to being limited to a particular physical device. Desktop environments using VDI can be hosted on a central server and made available to users as needed. Microsoft’s Azure Virtual Desktop, which provides capabilities like Windows 10 VDI multi-session for effective scalability with a large number of users on a smaller pool of virtual machines, is one of the most well-liked Desktop as a Service (DaaS) offerings. Windows VDI offers a multi-user Windows 10 experience with cloud-based desktop and app virtualization services. In conclusion, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is a perfect fit for remote workers since it enables enterprises to set up Windows virtual workstations that can be accessed at any time, from any location.

GPU testing in Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

A Login Enterprise virtual user profile called the Knowledge Worker Profile represents a typical office worker who utilizes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Edge, and Outlook. The findings have been encouraging up to this point, and they are looking forward to sharing them with you in the near future.

GPU testing in Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
Image Credit to Intel

The workers who utilize basic office apps on a daily basis and want greater clarity in their video conferencing are a problem altogether. Where do they stand with the knowledge workers, who would be better off with a more streamlined user experience when it comes to fundamental 3D rendering? Intel goal was to rectify the situation in which this group of workloads was not well represented by a benchmarking reference profile.

What is GPU Reference Workload ?

The GPU Reference Workload is a collection of application scripts created to run a graphics-intensive workload on Windows 10 and Windows 11 using freely accessible applications. The goal of this workload is to gauge the advantages of GPU-enabled workspaces. Depending on the file you select, Windows Media Player can stream video in 1080 or 4K for a certain amount of time or indefinitely. A 3D model can be opened in Microsoft 3D Viewer and animated while having its views and settings changed. They complement the Knowledge Worker task well and can be used in any or both of them. It is anticipated that Microsoft 3D Viewer would use the CPU and GPU very intensively.

Recently Developed GPU Reference Workload

Intel and LoginVSI, both of whom were aware of the requirement, collaborated extensively in order to identify and develop the GPU Reference Workload. This workload is designed to exercise the GPU by creating a set of pre-determined workloads in a consistent manner that more closely replicates the work paradigm of today.

Furthermore, the GPU Reference Workload comprises the following, in addition to the normal Login Enterprise Knowledge Worker (KW) profile tasks:

  • Applications that play back videos in high definition (1080p resolution)
  • Application software that is often used for rendering 3D graphics (Windows 3D Viewer)
  • Participants may choose to participate in Zoom Meetings with video collaboration.

It was previously neglected by extant reference profiles in the industry-standard benchmarking tool; however, by including these applications in the KW profile, they were able to more properly reflect a commonly encountered workload.

Additionally, the GPU Reference Workload profile is now accessible in the LoginVSI application template library. This means that you may use it as a tool to test your own virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solutions without incurring any costs. At the moment, Intel is putting Intel Data Center Flex graphics processing units through their paces in a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) in order to evaluate the GPU Reference Workload profile for frame rate, latency, and GPU offload.

Future Of Desktop Virtualization

Solution providers now have an affordable platform to deliver virtual desktop experiences that are of customer-winning quality thanks to the Intel Flex Series GPU. The GPU is code-compatible with Intel CPUs since it draws from the open-standards DNA of Intel architecture. The framework for open programming allows for flexible development. The Flex Series of Intel Data Center GPUs drives high-density, high-quality desktop virtualization instances using both hardware and software. It is designed to operate alongside Intel® Xeon® processors, which support one another in the same system to manage a variety of intricate workloads as effectively as possible.


During VDI testing, what are the issues that arise?

VDI systems that have been around for a long time were not built to handle applications that need a considerable amount of GPU power. This testing has to take into consideration things like:
Benchmarking workloads: It is possible that the benchmarks that are already in place may not accurately represent the requirements of contemporary workers who utilize a variety of programs, including some that are visually demanding.
Distribution of resources Virtual desktop infrastructures (VDI) environments are required to distribute GPU resources to virtual desktops in an effective manner without compromising performance.

What are new VDI GPU testing methods?

For the purpose of presenting a more true image of GPU performance in a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), new GPU reference workloads have been developed. These workloads are meant to emulate the variety of activities that contemporary workers do.
Pay attention to the user experience: The testing process goes beyond just evaluating the benchmark results and takes into account aspects like as responsiveness, frame rates, and overall user satisfaction during jobs that require visually demanding performance.

Benefits of testing GPUs in VDI?

As a result of adequately tested GPUs, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) may provide users with demanding workloads with a more responsive and feature-rich experience.
The smoother the user experience is, the more likely it is that workers who depend on graphics-intensive programs will enjoy an increase in their production levels.
Better usage of resources: Testing may assist in optimizing GPU allocation in virtual desktop infrastructure settings, which guarantees effective consumption of resources.

How does VDI work?

A hypervisor divides servers into virtual machines in virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), which allows users to access virtual desktops from a distance using mobile devices. All processing for these virtual desktops takes place on the host server, which users can access from any device or location. Through a connection broker, a software-based gateway that serves as a middleman between the user and the server, users establish connections to their desktop instances.

Why are GPUs vital in contemporary workplace VDI?

In today’s business, computers are required to do more than merely provide the most fundamental office applications. The processing capacity of a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) may be very useful for activities like as video conferencing, 3D modeling, and even certain sophisticated web surfing. VDI that makes use of GPUs has the potential to provide consumers an experience that is both more responsive and more aesthetically pleasant.

What is vdi stand for

Virtual Desktop Infrasrtucture

Agarapu Ramesh was founder of the Govindhtech and Computer Hardware enthusiast. He interested in writing Technews articles. Working as an Editor of Govindhtech for one Year and previously working as a Computer Assembling Technician in G Traders from 2018 in India. His Education Qualification MSc. Would you like to receive notifications on latest updates? No Yes