Sunday, July 7, 2024

Enhance Productivity: Meet 5 Microsoft AI Partners

Microsoft’s visionary partners are embracing AI to shape tomorrow’s productivity landscape.

Generational AI is essential for firms looking to streamline and boost efficiency. Today, generative AI can generate textual content, music, product ideas, and programming code, enabling unprecedented automation.

Reducing repetitious chores is necessary and effective. Generative AI tools like Azure OpenAI care boost productivity in content creation, science, customer care, and marketing automation.

In 2023, McKinsey Global Institute reported:

  • Adding generative AI to all other technologies might boost productivity by 0.2 to 3.3 percent annually. 
  • Depending on a company’s automation, generative AI could cut human-serviced contacts by 50%.
  • API-integrated AI agents could copilot or nearly autonomously provide real-time client advice to representatives.
  • Foundation models can automate chemical screening in lead identification to find those that target therapeutic targets.
  • A 2023 BCG article found that generative AI-drafted emails had 18% higher customer pleasure scores than human-drafted emails.

Generative AI streamlines manual, time-consuming, and error-prone procedures, making it a crucial commercial tool.

Let’s examine how Commere AI, Datadog, Modern Requirements, Atera, and SymphonyAI used Generative AI to digitize their business operations.

Partners profit from Generational AI

Customers worldwide have used the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program to build swiftly, scale growth, and sell globally. Partners can use Microsoft’s AI expertise, network, and resources to create, promote, and sell AI solutions, improving their competitiveness in the fast-growing sector.

Five partners are:

  • Commerce.AI
  •  Datadog
  •  Modern Requirements
  •  Atera
  •  SymphonyAI


Commerce.AI automates customer service center productivity utilizing its own, Microsoft, and OpenAI products. Azure AI Services uses a proprietary Commerce.AI model to transcribe and translate client calls in real time. The solution uses OpenAI to automatically construct a summary, determine follow-up actions, and transfer the data to Microsoft Dynamics 365, removing the need for agents to write post-call notes. Commerce.AI solutions boost productivity by 50%, efficiency, and insight speed.

“With OpenAI models, the answers to our questions are ready the moment we ask them,” explains Commerce.AI founder and CEO Andy Pandharikar. “Using Azure OpenAI Service, Commerce.AI has supercharged their customers’ ability to act on those insights through automation.”

Commerce.AI can quickly adapt to consumer demands by automating workflows. Commerce.AI expects that generative AI will become cheaper in business as it analyzes unstructured data and automates new ad campaigns and product launches.


Datadog has embedded observability solutions in the Azure interface and developed over 600 in-house connectors since delivering its initial Azure Virtual Machine monitoring service in 2015. Datadog seamlessly integrated Azure OpenAI Service to speed up monitoring and enhance productivity for many of its customers.

This integration speeds cloud adoption, provides comprehensive monitoring for cloud-native and hybrid workloads, introduces unique monitoring capabilities, and ensures best-in-class service quality.

“Microsoft have everything configured for autoscaling,” says Datadog Senior Software Engineer Benjamin Pineau, “and Azure will always adapt to our needs, upping capacity by several hundreds of high-memory instances to ingest a spike and then slowing back down in a matter of minutes.”

Datadog has been used by hundreds of Fortune 50 and multinational corporations to monitor their AI applications since Microsoft Build 2023. The technology lets these organizations analyze statistics, minimize expenses, and debug AI-powered applications, freeing up development teams to focus on customer-centric product development. This connection lets clients obtain Azure Virtual Machine measurements, tag Azure metrics with resource-specific data, gain unique Azure environment insights, and correlate data across Azure apps.

Modern Requirements

Modern Requirements automates client requirements procedures to improve them. They accelerate time to market, improve project quality, and provide project management tools throughout their life cycles. They serve healthcare, financial services, automotive, aviation, and government, which need regulatory compliance, auditability, and seamless workflow solutions.

Modern Requirements uses Microsoft Azure DevOps for scalability and security. Azure OpenAI Service’s multilayered paradigm makes this even better while protecting data. This integration takes little training and allows OpenAI upgrades.

Modern Requirements for DevOps automates several functions for Modern Requirements and Microsoft clients in their product development life cycles. This service is enhanced by Copilot for DevOps, a ChatGPT implementation in Modern Requirements for DevOps. This application automates several product development life cycle steps, letting users focus on analysis and collaboration.

Modern Requirements for DevOps unifies all data in Azure DevOps, simplifying workflow and data management. The extension turns Azure DevOps into a knowledge management system, extending beyond record-keeping and workflow management.

For information provision, reuse, and collaboration, requirements engineers, business analysts, test leads, compliance leads, project managers, and project architects use the system. It offers clients an integrated, supportive, and cheap alternative to up to six expensive instruments.


Atera, an Israeli software company, aims to boost IT productivity tenfold with their AI-powered IT Platform. This innovative technology, developed with Microsoft utilizing Azure OpenAI Service, provides a complete picture of IT processes and proactively finds and resolves issues, allowing IT workers to focus on vital duties.

IT concerns are being transformed by the platform, which serves 11,000 customers in 105 countries. It continuously tracks metrics, provides immediate solutions, and remotely fixes computers. IT support autopilots immediately solve client difficulties, while co-pilots handle complex issues and summarize problem descriptions and recommend remedies to specialists.

“Instead of spending 20 minutes trying to understand the problem, 15 minutes choosing a solution, and possibly 40 minutes to remotely fix the issue or two hours writing a script to run it, the technician can focus directly on fixing the issue,” explains Atera Co-Founder and CTO Oshri Moyal. “A few clicks solve the problem. This improvement allows one technician to handle seven to 70 instances each day.”


Fraud, money laundering, and other financial crimes account for 5% of the global GDP and are linked to human trafficking and terrorism. SymphonyAI is tackling this issue creatively. Sensa-NetReveal uses AI to detect financial wrongdoing and assist financial investigators. They use AI algorithms and machine learning models to find previously unnoticed problem areas, intending to complete investigations 70% faster and 70% easier for human investigators.

Sensa Copilot, built on Azure infrastructure, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure AI solutions, and Azure OpenAI, was introduced in May 2023 to help financial crime investigators automatically collect, collate, and summarize financial and third-party information, identify money laundering behaviors, and efficiently analyze these activities. Investigators can use it to write suspicious activity reports.

Given the volume of alerts financial institutions get daily, the Sensa Copilot increased compliance department productivity by 60% in early testing. Financial crime investigations have changed significantly. In a world where time and efficiency are crucial, the five Microsoft Partners above inspire all organizations, regardless of size or sector, to adopt generative AI.

Responsible AI is Microsoft  goal

The Microsoft AI Principles guide Microsoft’s layered generative model strategy. Azure OpenAI’s safety system prevents unwanted inputs and outputs and monitors misuse. Microsoft also provides guidance and best practices to help users ethically build applications employing these models and requires compliance with the Azure OpenAI Code of Conduct.

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