Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Intel’s oneAPI 2024 Kernel_Compiler Feature Improves LLVM

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The kernel_compiler, which was first released as an experimental feature in the fully SYCL2020 compliant Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ compiler 2024.1 is one of the new features. Here’s another illustration of how Intel advances the development of LLVM and SYCL standards. With the help of this extension, OpenCL C strings can be compiled at runtime into kernels that can be used on a device.

For offloading target hardware-specific SYCL kernels, it is provided in addition to the more popular modes of Ahead-of-Time (AOT), SYCL runtime, and directed runtime compilation.

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Generally speaking, the kernel_compiler extension ought to be saved for last!

Nonetheless, there might be some very intriguing justifications for leveraging this new extension to create SYCL Kernels from OpenCL C or SPIR-V code stubs.

Let’s take a brief overview of the many late- and early-compile choices that SYCL offers before getting into the specifics and explaining why there are typically though not always better techniques.

Three Different Types of Compilation 

The ability to offload computational work to kernels running on another compute device that may be installed on the machine, such as a GPU or an FPGA, is what SYCL offers your application. Are there thousands of numbers you need to figure out? Forward it to the GPU!

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Power and performance are made possible by this, but it also raises more questions:

  • Which device are you planning to target? In the future, will that change?
  • Could it be more efficient if it were customized to parameters that only the running program would know, or do you know the complete domain parameter value for that kernel execution?
    SYCL offers a number of choices to answer those queries:
  • Ahead-of-Time (AoT) Compile: This process involves compiling your kernels to machine code concurrently with the compilation of your application.
  • SYCL Runtime Compilation: This method compiles the kernel while your application is executing and it is being used.
  • With directed runtime compilation, you can set up your application to generate a kernel whenever you’d want.

Let’s examine each one of these:

1. Ahead of Time (AoT) Compile

You can also precompile the kernels at the same time as you compile your application. All you have to do is specify which devices you would like the kernels to be compiled for. All you need to do is pass them to the compiler with the -fsycl-targets flag. Completed! Now that the kernels have been compiled, your application will use those binaries.

AoT compilation has the advantage of being easy to grasp and familiar to C++ programmers. Furthermore, it is the only choice for certain devices such as FPGAs and some GPUs.

An additional benefit is that your kernel can be loaded, given to the device, and executed without the runtime stopping to compile it or halt it.

Although they are not covered in this blog post, there are many more choices available to you for controlling AoT compilation. For additional information, see this section on compiler and runtime design or the -fsycl-targets article in Intel’s GitHub LLVM User Manual.


2. SYCL Runtime Compilation (via SPIR-V) 

If no target devices are supplied or perhaps if an application with precompiled kernels is executed on a machine with target devices that differ from what was requested, this is SYCL default mode.

SYCL automatically compiles your kernel C++ code to SPIR-V (Standard Portable Intermediate form), an intermediate form. When the SPIR-V kernel is initially required, it is first saved within your program and then sent to the driver of the target device that is encountered. The SPIR-V kernel is then converted to machine code for that device by the device driver.

The default runtime compilation has the following two main benefits:

  • First of all, you don’t have to worry about the precise target device that your kernel will operate on beforehand. It will run as long as there is one.
  • Second, if a GPU driver has been updated to improve performance, your application will benefit from it when your kernel runs on that GPU using the new driver, saving you the trouble of recompiling it.

However, keep in mind that there can be a minor cost in contrast to AoT because your application will need to compile from SPIR-V to machine code when it first delivers the kernel to the device. However, this usually takes place outside of the key performance route, before parallel_for loops the kernel.

In actuality, this compilation time is minimal, and runtime compilation offers more flexibility than the alternative. SYCL may also cache compiled kernels in between app calls, which further eliminates any expenses. See kernel programming cache and environment variables for additional information on caching.

However, if you prefer the flexibility of runtime compilation but dislike the default SYCL behavior, continue reading!

3. Directed Runtime Compilation (via kernel_bundles) 

You may access and manage the kernels that are bundled with your application using the kernel_bundle class in SYCL, which is a programmatic interface.

Here, the kernel_bundle techniques are noteworthy.build(), compile(), and link(). Without having to wait until the kernel is required, these let you, the app author, decide precisely when and how a kernel might be constructed.

Additional details regarding kernel_bundles are provided in the SYCL 2020 specification and in a controlling compilation example.

Specialization Constants 

Assume for the moment that you are creating a kernel that manipulates an input image’s numerous pixels. Your kernel must use a replacement to replace the pixels that match a specific key color. You are aware that if the key color and replacement color were constants instead of parameter variables, the kernel might operate more quickly. However, there is no way to know what those color values might be when you are creating your program. Perhaps they rely on calculations or user input.

Specialization constants are relevant in this situation.

The name refers to the constants in your kernel that you will specialize in at runtime prior to the kernel being compiled at runtime. Your application can set the key and replacement colors using specialization constants, which the device driver subsequently compiles as constants into the kernel’s code. There are significant performance benefits for kernels that can take advantage of this.

The Last Resort – the kernel_compiler 

All of the choices that as a discussed thus far work well together. However, you can choose from a very wide range of settings, including directed compilation, caching, specialization constants, AoT compilation, and the usual SYCL compile-at-runtime behavior.

Using specialization constants to make your program performant or having it choose a specific kernel at runtime are simple processes. However, that might not be sufficient. Perhaps all your software needs to do is create a kernel from scratch.

Here is some source code to help illustrate this. Intel made an effort to compose it in a way that makes sense from top to bottom.

When is It Beneficial to Use kernel_compiler? 

Some SYCL users already have extensive kernel libraries in SPIR-V or OpenCL C. For those, the kernel_compiler is a very helpful extension that enables them to use those libraries rather than a last-resort tool.

Download the Compiler 

Download the most recent version of the Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler, which incorporates the kernel_compiler experimental functionality, if you haven’t already. Purchase it separately for Windows or Linux, via well-known package managers only for Linux, or as a component of the Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit 2024.

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Thota nithya
Thota nithya
Thota Nithya has been writing Cloud Computing articles for govindhtech from APR 2023. She was a science graduate. She was an enthusiast of cloud computing.

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