Wednesday, October 16, 2024

How AI & Accelerated Computing Drive Sustainability

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Artificial intelligence (AI) and accelerated computing are revolutionizing businesses by promoting energy efficiency and providing creative answers to pressing global environmental issues.

Naturally, AI systems use energy, but the real story here is how AI and faster computing are assisting in the energy conservation of other systems. Consider data centers as an example.

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They serve as the foundation of artificial intelligence (AI), containing the robust systems that process the data required for AI to function in applications like chatbots, AI-powered search, and content creation. AI-specific centers make up a very small portion of the data centers’ global energy usage, which is around 2%.

All the same, AI’s true strength is its optimization capability

How? via the use of systems for accelerated computing that integrate CPUs and GPUs. GPUs are designed to do complicated calculations fast and effectively.

AI can now handle more complicated issues in part because of these advancements, which have led to enormous advances in energy efficiency over the last eight years.

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What Is Accelerated Computing?

Accelerated computing is fundamentally about achieving more with less. It entails using specialized technology, like as GPUs, to do jobs more quickly and energy-efficiently. Businesses may expand their AI operations with the use of accelerated computing without using enormous amounts of energy.

AI’s potential to address some of the most pressing ecological issues of day depends on its energy efficiency.

AI in Action: Addressing Global Warming

AI is combating climate change in addition to saving electricity.

Artificial intelligence and faster Accelerated Computing in general are revolutionizing weather and climate modeling and simulation.

For example, governments and businesses are able to better plan for climate-related disasters like hurricanes and floods because to the increasing accuracy of AI-enhanced weather forecasting.

NIVIDIA ability to anticipate these catastrophes will help us plan for them better, which will save resource waste and harm.

The emergence of digital twins, or virtual representations of real settings, is another important trend.

Businesses can now optimize energy use in real time without having to make expensive physical modifications to the environment with these AI-powered simulations.

That may not seem like much, but applying it to numerous areas has huge impact.

In order to hasten the switch to clean energy, artificial intelligence is also essential in the development of novel materials for renewable energy technologies like solar panels and electric cars.

Does AI Improve Data Center Sustainability?

AI requires data centers and processing capacity as it grows. Yet, data centers don’t always need a lot of energy. They may even contribute to the sustainable solution.

One significant advancement is liquid cooling directly to the chip. Data centers can now cool their systems much more effectively than they could with more energy-intensive conventional air conditioning techniques with this technology.

“Direct-to-chip liquid cooling is the main focus of recommended design for the data centers for a new B200 chip. This approach reduces energy consumption by cooling data centers directly at the chip level, keeping them cold without using excessive power.

The future of data centers will rely on building them with energy efficiency from the bottom up as AI becomes more and more prevalent.

This entails using energy storage technologies, incorporating renewable energy sources, and keeping up with cooling technology innovation.

The goal is to construct environmentally friendly data centers that can meet the growing demand for processing power globally without increasing their carbon footprint.

AI’s Place in Creating a Sustainable Future

Artificial Intelligence is a catalyst for long-term innovation, not only a tool for system optimization.

AI is reducing waste and pollution by improving supply chain operations and energy grid efficiency.

AI “will be the best tool we’ve ever seen to help us achieve more sustainability and more sustainable outcomes.”

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Since June 2023, Drakshi has been writing articles of Artificial Intelligence for govindhtech. She was a postgraduate in business administration. She was an enthusiast of Artificial Intelligence.

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