AMD’s RX 6000 Graphics Processing Units now have support for Fluid Motion Frames after the company updated its software

At first, AMD’s driver-level frame creation technology could only be used with the company’s RX 7000-series graphics cards

The new driver-level frame generation technique from AMD is called as Fluid Motion Frames, and it may be used by any game that utilises DX11 or DX12 as its graphics API

This was made possible by the fact that it was able to take use of motion vectorsYou can have some fun by activating FSR 3 frame generation and AMD Fluid Motion Frames

It is heartening to see that AMD is already hard at work on expanding AFMF compatibility to graphics processing units (GPUs) other than those in the RX 7000 series

In a purely technical sense, FSR 3 can run on any GPU so long as it supports Async Compute, which is something that AMD allows

As a direct result of this, we are able to draw the conclusion that AMD will almost certainly not enable Fluid Motion Frames

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