What is Polynomial regression in Machine Learning?

Polynomial regression models complex, non-linear interactions between a dependent variable and one or more independent factors. When data does not follow a straight line, polynomial regression fits a curved line better than linear regression. This strategy is beneficial when the variables’ connection is non-linear yet smooth and continuous.

Polynomial terms of the independent variables allow this linear regression model to capture more complex patterns. Supervised learning uses polynomial regression to anticipate trends, fit curves, and solve issues where linear models fail to capture patterns.

Linear Regression Overview

Linear regression is the basis for polynomial regression, hence it’s important to grasp it first. Linear regression models the relationship between an output and one or more inputs using a straight line. To minimize the discrepancy between projected and actual values, determine the best-fit line.

When the data is non-linear, linear regression is less successful. Enter polynomial regression. Polynomial regression fits a curve to capture complicated data relationships that straight lines cannot.

What’s Polynomial Regression?

Polynomial regression examines the relationship between the independent and dependent variables as an nth-degree polynomial. The model follows a curve in polynomial regression by using quadratic, cubic, or greater powers of the independent variable.

To capture non-linear trends, a polynomial regression model may incorporate variables such as 𝑥 2×2 (quadratic term) and 𝑥 3×3 (cubic term) when fitting to a dataset. Thus, polynomial regression is more flexible than linear regression in adapting to data.

When to Use Polynomial Regression

When data is curved, polynomial regression is most beneficial. Certain situations can use polynomial regression:

  • Curved Relationships: When linear regression cannot capture curved data trends. Physical sciences, economic models, and biological systems may have naturally curved variable relationships.
  • Modeling Complex Behaviours: In economics and medicine, variables may have non-linear relationships with numerous stages. Modeling complex processes with polynomial regression is effective.
  • Trend Analysis: Polynomial regression can forecast non-linear data patterns including population growth, market demand, and environmental influences.

Polynomial regression is not necessarily ideal. Polynomial regression can introduce complexity and overfitting when variables are linear. The model may also overfit to training data noise, making it less generalizable to unseen data.

Steps in Polynomial Regression

The polynomial regression process includes data collecting and model validation. Process breakdown:

Steps in Polynomial Regression

Data Collection and Preprocessing: Machine learning projects begin with data collection and preprocessing. This requires collecting and cleaning data to eliminate errors and outliers. For scale uniformity, data may be normalized or standardized.

Feature Transformation: Higher-degree terms are added to the independent variable in polynomial regression. If we have one input variable x,we may build extra features like x2, x3, and so on, based on the degree of the polynomial to fit. This modification lets the model account for data curvature.

Model Training: After transforming the characteristics, a conventional linear regression model is employed. The model employs linear regression to obtain the best-fit curve despite the non-linear relationship between converted data and output variable. Despite modeling a non-linear relationship, polynomial regression transforms information linearly.

Model Evaluation: Evaluation is crucial after model training. Regression tasks are evaluated using MSE, RMSE, and R-squared. The model’s data fit and generalization to new cases are assessed by these criteria.

Prediction: The model can predict fresh data after training and evaluation. Inputting independent variable values into the model predicts dependent variable values.

Polynomial Regression Challenges

But polynomial regression has some drawbacks that must be managed:


  • In high-degree polynomial regression, overfitting is a major danger. The model overfits when it fits the training data too closely, incorporating noise and outliers in the trend. New data generalization suffers.
  • Regularization techniques like Ridge or Lasso regression add a penalty term to the model to discourage complex solutions and reduce overfitting. Cross-validation can also support polynomial degree selection.


  • Increased polynomial degree leads to strongly correlated transformed features (e.g., 𝑥 2x x 2, 𝑥 3x x 3), a phenomenon called multicollinearity. It can cause regression coefficient instability, making the model less dependable. Reduce feature space dimensionality with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to address multicollinearity.

Degree Selection:

  • The right polynomial degree is crucial to polynomial regression. Low degrees may cause underfitting, when the model is too simplistic to capture patterns. Too high a degree might cause overfitting, making the model too complex.
  • Cross-validation breaks the data into training and validation sets and evaluates the model’s performance on each set to identify the ideal degree. This reveals the best bias-variance ratio.


  • When using high-degree polynomials, polynomial regression may not scale effectively for huge datasets. The number of characteristics increases exponentially with degree, causing computational inefficiencies. Such situations may require more efficient methods or dimensionality reduction.

Applications of Polynomial Regression

Polynomial regression has many uses:

  • Economics: The link between GDP, inflation, and employment rates is often modeled using polynomial regression. The non-linear nature of these relationships makes polynomial regression useful.
  • Physics and Engineering: In physics and engineering, polynomial regression models non-linear processes like acceleration, velocity, and fluid dynamics.
  • Environmental Science: Thermal variations, pollution levels, and crop yields can be modeled using polynomial regression because diverse factors may affect them non-linearly.
  • Biomedical research: Polynomial regression can model non-linear associations between age, blood pressure, and illness development in medical research.
  • Finance: In finance, polynomial regression can describe complicated, non-linear variables like stock prices, market trends, and investment portfolios.


Polynomial regression can represent complex, non-linear variable connections in machine learning. Adding higher-degree polynomial terms to linear regression makes it more versatile for curved data. To avoid overfitting and multicollinearity, polynomial regression must be used carefully and with the right degree. Polynomial regression can capture complicated patterns and provide excellent predictions in many disciplines despite these challenges.

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