Applications Of IoT In Smart Cities For Better Living

Applications of IoT in Smart Cities

Applications of IoT in Smart Cities
Applications of IoT in Smart Cities

Traffic management, waste management, air pollution control, smart building development, disaster preparedness, and more are just a few of the ways that IoT can be used to improve city efficiency. Let’s examine how contemporary technology and civic planning can create more economical and efficient smart cities.

Traffic Management

Controlling traffic in cities is crucial because otherwise, popular areas experience severe traffic jams and the streets are completely deserted. Smart traffic lights can help control this, though it also depends on the layout and design of the roads. For instance, the traffic lights ought to be able to automatically react to the amount of traffic, so that green lights stay on longer when there is more traffic and go off sooner when the streets are empty. Roads and bridges can also have sensors installed to track their state and repair them when they are severely worn down. Potholed roads are, after all, a big contributor to traffic pollution!

Air Pollution

Air pollution is a big concern in many metropolitan places where the particulate matter in the air is so high it is detrimental to the lungs in the long run. However, IoT and machine intelligence can be utilised to lower air pollution. To do this, data on city pollution, such as vehicle emissions, pollen levels, airflow direction, weather, traffic levels, etc., are gathered from a variety of sources using the Internet of Things (IoT). Pollution forecasts are then computed to identify trends in pollution so that they can be managed.


Particularly in the present era, when infectious diseases continue to claim many lives in impoverished areas while non-communicable diseases like cancer and heart disease are on the rise in large cities, healthcare is a vital component of life. In this case, IoT technology could help improve the healthcare system to give everyone the greatest care. Microbots can carry drugs directly into the bloodstream and anywhere in the body. IoT and sensors are also being used in healthcare for remote patient monitoring, which allows patients to be watched around-the-clock and alerts emergency personnel to any issues.

Public Transport

In any city, public transportation whether it be buses or trains is essential. This is especially true in big cities where there are big traffic bottlenecks and the metro train might be a saviour! Smart public transportation, however, may ease commuters’ lives and reduce gridlock. With a single app connecting the buses and trains, it’s very convenient to know when the next service will arrive and how long you’ll have to wait. Predictive analytics can also be used to optimise public transport routes for the most possible benefit at the lowest possible cost.

Water Management

Life cannot exist without water! However, water is also a limited resource that is depleting much too quickly. Thus, cities should use smart water management to conserve water for future generations. To improve water management, sensors can be used to track water levels, tank pressures, pipe problems, and other factors in municipal water pipes and tanks. This prevents water waste and fixes problems like leaking pipes and high tank pressure without water waste. Sensors can also detect groundwater levels to replace them in a shortage.


Larger cities have skyscrapers. Building smart buildings with IoT that can control heating, cooling, lighting, security, and more from a single location is difficult. This increases production and lowers building costs. A building’s heaters and air conditioners can be regulated to match the outside temperature. In addition to turning on lights only when people are present, sensors can evaluate indoor air quality. These measures can cut your electricity cost and conserve energy!

Waste Management

Garbage management systems in a city can be streamlined so that there is effective garbage collection and disposal which assists in keeping the city clean and hygienic. After all, incorrect waste management can pollute land, air, and water and harbour microorganisms (not to mention the smell!). However, IoT sensors in garbage cans can detect fullness and dispose of them properly. This is preferable to just disposing of the waste on specific days only, when the bin may occasionally be empty or overflowing with the risk of contamination on other days.


Parking seems like a little issue, but it can be a major pain, particularly in big cities. IoT-connected sensors placed throughout the city can be used to identify empty parking spaces wherever you are going. This problem can be resolved because fewer available spaces mean that drivers must waste time looking for parking spots and increase traffic in the process (while also growing increasingly irritated!). City officials will be able to use this data to determine where there is a lot of open parking space and where there is congestion because of fewer parking spaces. This can then be utilised to maximise parking, avoid traffic bottlenecks, and reduce driver annoyance!

Natural Disaster Management

Hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis cannot be stopped, but they can be prepared for. Sensors and the Internet of Things can predict earthquakes by evaluating ground composition, seismic plate contact, energy transport, etc. Sensors can collect river level, rainfall, geology, and elevation data to anticipate flooding time, location, and intensity.


A city’s roads, buildings, and other infrastructure are essentially what make it up. Furthermore, building a smart city requires smart infrastructure. This involves making clever use of technology by combining sensors and the Internet of Things, which can help a city save money and energy. One way to do this is by installing smart lighting along the roads, which only illuminate when they sense motion and remain off otherwise. Without a doubt, this will conserve energy and lower city expenses.

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