What is Block storage? Block storage providers, Benefits

This article will go over the definition of block storage, its benefits, drawbacks, examples, and Block storage providers.

What is Block storage?

Data files are stored on storage area networks (SANs) or cloud-based storage systems using a technology called block storage, sometimes known as block-level storage. Block storage is preferred by developers in computing scenarios that need for dependable, quick, and efficient data transfer.

Data is divided into blocks by block storage, which then keeps the blocks as distinct units, each with its own unique identification. Wherever it is most effective, the SAN positions such data blocks. This implies that each block may be set up (or partitioned) to function with many operating systems and that it can store those blocks across various systems.

Data can be dispersed across several settings with block storage’s ability to isolate data from user environments. This gives the user several ways to access the data and speeds up its retrieval. The underlying storage system reassembles the data blocks and shows the data to the user or application upon request from the block storage system.

Block storage
Block storage

How does block storage works?

You can divide the data into separate, fixed-size blocks or pieces in a block storage system. Every block is a separate data storage unit. Multiple, nonsequential chunks make up a complete piece of information, like a data file.

File type, ownership, and timestamp are examples of high-level information that are not maintained by the block storage system. To control the storage of data into the appropriate blocks, developers must create a data lookup table in the application system. To improve read/write efficiency, the program may store data in various operating environments.

Write data

The application divides data into many blocks during a write process. It stores the block’s identity in a data lookup table and writes the data into several blocks. The server can determine the relative address of the data stored in the block with the lookup table.

Read the data

The data-lookup table is used by the server to identify the locations of data fragments when users ask the block storage system for a certain file. The program then extracts the information from several blocks and combines them in the original order.

Benefits of block storage

Block level storage is used by organizations for the reasons listed below.


Additional information that describes the main data in the storage system is called metadata. Block storage relies on unique identifiers assigned to each block for read/write operations and utilizes little metadata. As a result, the server can access and retrieve data from block storage more effectively and with less overhead. Block storage provides the ultra-low latency needed for high-performance workloads since its metadata is constrained. Databases and other latency-sensitive applications need this.

Block storage is the favoured option for high speed applications because it offers several pathways to the data, while file storage only offers one.

Adaptability and expandability

Devices for block storage are not limited to particular network conditions. It is possible to set individual blocks for several operating systems, including Linux and Windows. To guarantee high availability, developers can communicate data across many environments. Additionally, the block storage architecture is very scalable. To accommodate increasing capacity requirements, developers can add additional blocks to already-existing ones.

Regular alteration

Performance is unaffected by the frequent data writes that block storage allows. The system determines which specific block has to be changed rather than rewriting the entire file. The chosen block is then rewritten with the updated information. Because of this, block storage is incredibly effective at handling big files that need to be updated often.

Fine-grained control

Block storage gives developers a great deal of control over data storage. For instance, they can store static files on some blocks and combine rapidly changing data on others to maximize speed. Because continuous changes only impact a few data blocks rather than a whole file, system performance is enhanced. Block storage, for instance, allows you to store warm or cold data on less expensive hard drives (HDD) and tier fast-changing data on solid state discs (SSD) for optimal performance.

Block storage limitations

Despite its many advantages, block storage has drawbacks like any other technological platform.

  • Increased cost: The price of SANs makes block storage more costly even though it is easily expandable. Furthermore, maintaining and managing block storage calls for more specialized training, which raises the overall cost.
  • Limitations on performance: Block storage comes with built-in, hierarchical metadata that is determined by the file system. Since data is divided into chunks, finding a whole file necessitates correctly identifying each component. Operations that access the information may experience performance problems as a result, especially when dealing with folders that contain a lot of files. Although 10,000 files is typically the tipping point, directories with just 1,000 files can cause problems.

Examples of block storage

Block storage examples include the following:

An illustration of block storage is the AWS Elastic Block Store.

Every virtual machine in Google Cloud uses the block storage option known as Google Cloud Persistent Disc.

A utility for allocating block storage on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud is called NetApp Cloud Manager.

Documentation for Rook Ceph: An example application that makes advantage of block storage that Rook provides

A data storage architecture known as block storage separates data into fixed-size blocks to facilitate quicker access and retrieval. Databases and business apps frequently use it as backup storage.

When it comes to block storage, some aspects to think about are:

  • Cost: Compared to alternative storage solutions, block storage may be more costly.
  • Complexity: Compared to other storage choices, block storage can be more difficult to manage.
  • Metadata: Tracking and searching data may be challenging due to block storage’s poor support for metadata.

Block storage providers

Block storage providers
Block storage providers

Common block storage providers:

The Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) provides scalable block storage for EC2 instances.

Block storage for virtual machines in Google Cloud Platform, Google Cloud Persistent Disc, is fast and scalable.

Azure Managed Discs manages block storage for Azure virtual machines.

The IBM Cloud Block Storage provides high-availability, high-performance persistent storage.

Block volumes from Oracle Cloud for attaching volumes to compute instances.

Connect Droplets to DigitalOcean Block Storage, a scalable block storage service.

Alibaba Cloud Elastic Block Storage (EBS) allows ECS instances to scale and perform well.

Linode Block Storage lets virtual machines access block storage.

Block storage from Vultr for virtual machines is scalable and high-performance.

European cloud provider Hetzner Cloud Storage offers block storage with flexible cloud instance scaling.

Each service offers varying performance, pricing, and data redundancy, so the appropriate decision depends on your demands.

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