Identity and Access Management IAM AWS
You may safely manage access to AWS resources with the aid of the web service known as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). Permissions that restrict which AWS resources users can access can be managed with IAM. IAM is used to manage who has access to utilize resources and who is authenticated (signed in). Identity and Access Management IAM AWS offers the framework required to manage authorization and authentication for your AWS accounts. Manage identities and access to AWS resources and services securely.
Why use IAM?
To enable your agility and creativity in AWS, use AWS Identity and Access Management IAM to safely manage and grow worker access and workload.
How does IAM work?
The infrastructure required to manage authorization and authentication for your AWS account is provided by Identity and Access Management IAM AWS.
Initially, an application or a human user authenticates with AWS using their sign-in credentials. IAM authenticates authorization to use AWS by comparing the sign-in credentials to a principal (an IAM user, federated user, IAM role, or application) that the AWS account trusts.
IAM then requests that the principal be given access to resources. In response to an authorisation request, IAM either approves or rejects access. For instance, you aren’t accessing a certain service when you initially log in to the console and are on the console’s home page. You submit an authorisation request to IAM for the service you have chosen. IAM confirms that your name is on the list of authorised users, ascertains which policies govern the amount of access that is allowed, and assesses any additional policies that may be in place. Authorisation requests can be made by principals from your AWS account or from another AWS account you trust.
The principal can act or operate on resources in your AWS account after being given permission. The principal might, for instance, delete Amazon Simple Storage Service buckets, change IAM group membership, or start a new Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance. This procedure using the IAM infrastructure is depicted in the following diagram:

Advantages of IAM
Establish fine-grained access and authorization guardrails
For your workloads, use fine-grained access restrictions to progress towards least privilege and set and monitor guardrails with broad permissions.
Oversee worker IDs and workload across all of your AWS accounts
You can centrally link identities to several AWS accounts or manage identities across a single AWS account.
To access your AWS resources, use temporary security credentials and permission sets
Give your workforce access using AWS IAM Identity Centre and temporary security credentials for workloads that use IAM to access your AWS resources.
As you proceed towards least privilege, examine access and confirm IAM policies
Create least-privilege policies, check for unused and external access to resources, and continuously assess permissions to ensure they are appropriate.
Use cases
Use attribute-based access control to scale and implement fine-grained permissions
Using attribute-based access control, create granular permissions based on user factors like department, job role, and team name.
Set up preventative and organisational-wide AWS guardrails
Create a data perimeter around your accounts in AWS Organisations and set permissions guardrails for IAM users and roles using service control policies.
Permissions should be set, checked, and sized to the least privilege
As you establish, confirm, and improve policies on the path to least privilege, simplify permissions administration and make use of cross-account discoveries.
You may define who has access to which AWS services and resources, as well as under what circumstances, by using Identity and Access Management IAM AWS. IAM comes free of charge and is a component of your AWS subscription. AWS Management Console to begin utilising IAM or, if you have already registered with AWS, to log in.
IAM policies: what are they?
Permissions are defined by IAM policies for the entities to which they are attached. For instance, affix a policy to an IAM position in order to allow access to it. Requests are either approved or rejected based on the permissions specified in the policy. Additionally, you can provide direct, cross-account access by attaching policies to specific resources, such Amazon S3 buckets. Additionally, you can limit access to numerous accounts by attaching policies to an AWS organisation or organisational unit. When an IAM role submits a request, AWS assesses these policies.