Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Database Migration Service GCP Migrates SQL Server Database

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Database Migration Service GCP

Businesses are using managed cloud services to update their IT infrastructure in order to increase cost-effectiveness, security, and dependability. For these kinds of modernization initiatives, Cloud SQL for SQL Server, a fully managed database that offers both AI-powered Google Cloud innovations and native SQL Server features, is a popular option. With great excitement, Google Cloud announce today that Cloud SQL for SQL Server migrations from on-premises and other clouds are now generally accessible as a component of Database Migration Service (DMS).

Database migrations are frequently difficult and call for specialized knowledge. Customers that have used Database Migration Service GCP to move their SQL Server workloads to Cloud SQL for SQL Server have given us great feedback since it first introduced SQL Server migrations in April. Database conversion Service reduces the complexity of database migrations by utilizing continuous native backup and restoration technologies. This minimizes downtime while maintaining high fidelity, allowing your vital SQL Server databases to continue to function throughout the conversion process.

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Google Cloud Database Migration Service

Your SQL Server database migrations will benefit from the following advantages with Database Migration Service‘s distinctive methodology:

Reduced system overhead and downtime: Use continuously available native backup and restoration technologies to maintain the functionality of your source databases during the migration process.

Serverless simplicity: Free up your teams to concentrate on strategic tasks by doing away with the requirement to manage infrastructure.

Prioritizing security: Encrypted SQL Server backup support guarantees strong protection during the migration.

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No extra cost: obtainable at no additional expense, expanding the accessibility of cloud migration.

Plarium Global Ltd., a gaming firm, was able to transfer to Google Cloud with ease because to Database Migration Service’s SQL Server migration capabilities.

Using Database Migration Service

Here’s how to use Database Migration Service GCP to begin moving your SQL Server workloads right now:

  1. Open the Google Cloud dashboard, navigate to Databases, Database Migration, and create a Connection Profile pointing to a Cloud Storage bucket where your SQL Server backup files will be uploaded.
  2. In a similar manner, make another Connection Profile that points to the SQL Server instance you have selected in Cloud SQL.
  3. To connect both connection profiles, create a migration job and choose the databases you want to move.
  4. Verify that your migration job tested successfully by looking at the results shown below. When you’re ready, begin working on the project.
  5. Upload a complete backup and ongoing backups of each database’s transaction logs to the Cloud Storage bucket as often as you’d like.
  6. Following the restoration of the complete backups, the migration phase shifts from “Initial Load” to “Incremental Load.” Database Migration Service GCP regularly recovers transaction log backup files and searches for new ones.
  7. Use the integrated metrics and logs to track the status of your migration jobs and determine when it is best to finish the migration.
  8. To restore the databases, make them available, and finish the migration, click “Promote” for Database Migration Service when you’re ready.

And that’s it! You can now use your newly created Cloud SQL for SQL Server database.

Database Migration Service pricing

Database Migration Service is provided free of charge for homogeneous migrations, or migrations in which the source and destination databases use the same database engine. This involves moving sources like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server to destinations like Cloud SQL and AlloyDB.

On a per-migration job basis, heterogeneous migrations between various database engines are paid in increments of one byte. Based on raw (uncompressed) data, bytes are counted.

The cost of the Database Migration Service is detailed on this page.

Get started migrating to SQL Server right now

Prepare to update your SQL Server database infrastructure and realize the full cloud potential with Database Migration Service GCP ease of use, security features, and low downtime capabilities.

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Thota nithya
Thota nithya
Thota Nithya has been writing Cloud Computing articles for govindhtech from APR 2023. She was a science graduate. She was an enthusiast of cloud computing.

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