Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Cloud Providers’ QPU & Hybrid Classical-Quantum Computing

QPU Quantum

Cloud vendors and fundamentals of hybrid classical-quantum computing: an overview.
One method for breaking Moore’s Law the empirical link between the number of transistors in an integrated circuit (IC) over time is to use hybrid classical-quantum computing. This relationship peaked in the early 2010s. The hybrid model, which currently dominates the field of quantum computing implementations, combines bit-based classical computers with quantum techniques based on qubits.

It assigns certain calculations to the parts of the classical-quantum system that are most appropriate for them. They first outline the hybrid principles and their modifications since hybrid classical-quantum computing has progressed significantly in the previous four years, and a forthcoming QNALYSIS series will showcase use cases in this area.

Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing

In order for hybrid quantum computing to function, an algorithm must be created, with some parts of the algorithm being run on a quantum computer and others being handled on a conventional computer. When constructing optimization loops to address optimization issues, this method might be quite helpful. The output of a sophisticated parameterized function that would be too challenging for a conventional computer to assess effectively is first programmed into the quantum computer.

The quantum computer will then get an informed estimate for the parameter (referred to as an ansatz) from the classical computer. The quantum computer then uses the parameter it was given to calculate the algorithm and transmits the results back to the traditional computer. This cycle will continue endlessly, with the classical computer entering ever more optimal values as a means of determining the outcomes that the quantum computer is computing. Thousands or even hundreds of times may pass in this loop before the ideal number is discovered.

Quantum Classical Hybrid Computing

A quick control system and appropriate control points that provide efficient interaction between the quantum and classical parts of the algorithms are essential components of a successful hybrid computing. Quantum Machines, along with many other quantum computer providers, has developed a fast control system for traditional NVIDIA hardware.

For the purpose of creating a quantum circuit with an n-qubit state and parameterized components, each algorithm has its own control points. The quantum processor is then instructed by the classical computer to slightly modify the preparation of the n-qubit state after the qubits have been measured and the measurement results have been processed. Until the intended result is achieved, this cycle is repeated.

QPU Meaning

This method is mainly meant for those of us who own actual quantum processing units (QPUs) and high performance computers (HPC). vQPUs or virtual QPU, are a kind of classical computer that may simulate the training and experimenting of a quantum computer. In order to minimize latencies, it is preferable for the HPC and it to be collocated; nonetheless, this strategy may be effective provided there is no performance penalty.

This strategy achieves a number of objectives

Virtual QPUs or vQPUs for short, let inexperienced users familiarize themselves with quantum systems before they take on the whole quantum computer programming procedure.

Before using a quantum computer, quantum emulation might be helpful in examining the potential benefits and drawbacks of quantum computing for a particular set of issues.

Qubits four? or forty qubits? In addition, the quantum simulator offers a method for comparing the runtime and memory requirements of an application to those of a genuine QPUs. Several cloud services share this capability, such as Dell’s IonQ single QPU and Amazon AWS Bracket’s multiple QPUs.

By using machine learning to determine the features of the workload, hybrid classical-quantum systems may now perform better thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence (A.I.).


Cloud Providers: Which QPU Is Best?

You can see how artificial intelligence might benefit quantum computing. After identifying the properties of the workload, A.I. can match the right QPU or vQPUs for the desired workload output on schedule. Vendors of quantum computing now routinely provide single QPU cloud services with simulators. The commercial ecology for cloud suppliers of multiple QPUs services and simulators is rapidly changing. Throughout a year, you will see variations in QPUs and workflow or simulation software.

Cloud providers offering single and many QPU possess specialized information about which QPUs are most suited to address certain issues. Sometimes, Quantum Computing as a Service (QCaaS) is used to refer to the two types of cloud services.

As an example

Early on in the hybrid concept’s development, Karalekas et al. (2020) presented a cloud architecture for hybrid classical-quantum computing, using the Rigetti Aspen-4 16Q device as the system’s QPU. They provided a framework for evaluating the platform’s runtime performance, looked at architectural constraints in quantum-classical clouds for runtime efficiency, and demonstrated two improvements: parametric compilation and active qubit reset.

Three OPX1000 Controllers from Quantum Machines were recently added to the upgraded Quantum Computing facility at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) at Seoul’s Advanced Institute of Nano Technology.

Thota nithya
Thota nithya
Thota Nithya has been writing Cloud Computing articles for govindhtech from APR 2023. She was a science graduate. She was an enthusiast of cloud computing.

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