Users can deploy a trustworthy Zero Trust network security control in their cloud environment with Google Cloud Firewall using a special and straightforward method that doesn’t require any routing adjustments

Google introduced the Cloud Firewall Standard tier earlier this year, which included threat-intelligence capabilities, geo-location objects, and Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) objects

Additionally, Google introduced the Cloud Firewall Plus tier, which includes an intrusion prevention service (IPS), at Next 23

Cloud Firewall Plus is Google next-generation firewall in the cloud

Scalability, performance, and simplicity with Cloud Firewall Plus

The cost of Cloud Firewall Plus will be determined by the gigabytes of data processed for threat protection and the number of operating hours for each endpoint

To benefit from the enhanced threat prevention features and secure your cloud workload, you may currently move your VPC firewall rules to Firewall Policies

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