At Google Cloud Next ’23, the Cloud Networking Load Balancing team announced several upgrades that expand its use cases and utility

MTLS supports client-side authentication during TLS negotiation on global external Application Load Balancers

Service Extensions callouts let users customize load balancer data-plane processing using user-written or third-party applications

Global backends with Internal Application Cloud Load Balancer! So, the internal load balancer may now distribute load to global backends

Cross-project service referencing with external global Application Load Balancers lets organizations distribute traffic to hundreds of services across several projects

In mTLS, the load balancer requests a client certificate to validate its authenticity during the TLS handshake

Google Cloud Load Balancing can transmit traffic from the load-balancing data-processing route through an RPC, such as gRPC, to a user-managed application or service anywhere using Service Extensions callouts

Internal application load balancers distribute HTTP and HTTPS traffic to Compute Engine, GKE, Cloud Run, on-premises, and other cloud backends

Global external Application Load Balancer cross-project service reference