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Through Google BigQuery public datasets, which we extended with six more in 2019, Google Cloud collaborated with the community to democratize blockchain data at the beginning of 2018xt

The Web3 community will be better able to respond to these and other queries by having a more comprehensive list of chains available through BigQuery and new methods to access data, all without the burden of running nodes or keeping an indexer

By introducing the UDF for greater UNIT256 integration and BIGNUMERIC1 support, we are increasing the accuracy of the blockchain datasets

provides a complete representation of the data model native to Ethereum with curated tables for events, in addition to the already existing Ethereum community dataset

Customers searching for deeper research on Ethereum will be able to quickly query wallet balances, transactions involving certain tokens (ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155), or interactions with smart contracts by accessing derived data

Customers that are interested in blockchain data now need to first get access to the appropriate nodes, then create and maintain an indexer that converts the data into a queryable data model

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Google are making on-chain data available off-chain for easy consumption and composability by using our substantial experience in scalable data processing, allowing developers to access blockchain data without nodes

Working with partners that want to make public data available to developers or monetize datasets for curated feeds and insights excites us. Google are also available to collaborate with new businesses and data suppliers that wish to create specific Web3 distribution and syndication channels that are cloud-native