The Complete Life Cycle of Machine Learning

How does a machine learning system work?

The capabilities of computer systems to automatically learn without being explicitly programmed have been realized through the application of machine learning.However, how does a machine learning system work? It is therefore possible to explain it by referring to the Life Cycle of Machine Learning. A cyclical procedure that is used to construct an effective machine learning project is referred to as the machine learning life cycle. Finding a solution to the problem or finding a solution to the project is the primary objective of the life cycle.

The following is a list of the seven major steps that are included in the Life Cycle of Machine Learning:

  • Gathering Data
  • Data preparation
  • Data Wrangling
  • Analyse Data
  • Train the model
  • Test the model
  • Deployment

To have a comprehensive understanding of the problem and to be aware of the reason for the problem is the single most crucial step in making the process complete. Because of this, we need to have a solid understanding of the problem before we can begin the life cycle. This is because a good result is contingent upon having a solid understanding of the problem.

For the purpose of finding a solution to a problem, we develop a machine learning system that we refer to as a “model” in the course of the whole life cycle. This model is developed through the provision of “training.” But in order to train a model, we need data; hence, the first step in the life cycle is to collect data.

1.Gathering Data :

The first step in the Life Cycle of Machine Learning is information collection, often known as data collection. The purpose of this stage is to locate and acquire all of the issues that are associated with the data.Since data might come from files, databases, the internet, and mobile devices, we must identify them at this step. This marks a major life cycle milestone. Data quality and quantity will determine output effectiveness. More data increases prediction accuracy.
The tasks listed below are included in this step:

  • Find a variety of different data sources.
  • Gather the information.
  • Integrate the information that was gathered from a variety of sources.
  • We obtain a cohesive set of data, which is also referred to as a dataset, when we carry out the task described above. It is going to be utilized in subsequent steps.
  1. Data Preparation:

After collecting data,the next step in Life Cycle of Machine Learning is “data preparation,” we organize our data for machine learning training.

Data exploration:

  • We combine all the data and then randomize the order of presentation.
  • Data exploration reveals the qualities of the data we must work with. We must comprehend data quality, attributes, and structure.
  • Understanding the facts is crucial to success. This may show correlations, trends, and outliers.

Data pre-processing:

  • To prepare the data for analysis, the next stage is to preprocess it.
  1. Data Wrangling:

The next step in Life Cycle of Machine Learning is Data Wrangling.The process of cleaning and formatting raw data is called “data wrangling.” It involves cleaning the data, choosing a variable, and formatting it for analysis in the next phase. This phase is crucial to the procedure. Data cleansing is needed to fix quality concerns.

It is not a given that the data we have gathered will always be of benefit to us, as there is a possibility that part of the data will not be valuable. In real-world applications, the data that is collected could have a number of problems, including the following:

  • Values That Are Gone
  • Data that is duplicated
  • The noise of invalid data

4.Data Analysis:

The next step in Life Cycle of Machine Learning is Data Analysis.At this point, the data that has been cleaned and processed is transferred to the analysis step. Included in this stage are:

  • Methodologies of analysis from which to choose
  • Putting together models
  • Think about the outcome.

During this stage, the objective is to construct a machine learning model that will study the data by employing a variety of analytical methods and then evaluate the obtained results. The process begins with the identification of the nature of the issues, after which we choose the machine learning methods, which may include classification, regression, cluster analysis, association, and so on. Next, we construct the model by making use of the data that has been prepared, and finally, we evaluate the machine learning model.In light of this, the next phase involves taking the data and constructing the model with the help of machine learning algorithms.

5.Train Model:

The next step in Life Cycle of Machine Learning is model training. During this step, we will train our model to increase its performance in order to achieve a better outcome for the problem.We train the model with a variety of machine learning algorithms by using datasets as the training data. It is necessary to train a model in order for it to be able to comprehend the numerous patterns, parameters, and characteristics.

6.Test Model:

The next step is to put our machine learning model through its paces by testing it once it has been trained on your dataset. As part of this process, we will provide our model with a test dataset in order to determine whether or not it is accurate.When the model is tested, the percentage of accuracy that the model possesses in relation to the requirements of the project or problem is determined.


During this stage, we implement the model into the system that is used in the real world.In the event that the model that was built above is capable of delivering an accurate result that meets our requirements at a speed that is satisfactory, then we will deploy the model in the actual system. On the other hand, before we deploy the project, we will determine whether or not it is improving its performance by making use of the data that is provided. Comparable to the process of putting together the final report for a project is the deployment phase.

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