Tuesday, February 18, 2025

IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite v11.6 Is Officially Available

TRIRIGA Application


IBM has announced the release of TRIRIGA Applications v11.6, Platform v5.0, and CAD Integrator v14.0, together with the most recent version of the IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite (TAS), v11.6.

With the introduction of important enhancements intended to assist enterprises in further streamlining their real estate and facilities management processes, this version represents a noteworthy milestone for TAS. IBM ranked the areas that its customers and analysts thought would be most helpful for improving their business operations. As part of the Application Suite, IBM Maximo Monitor for workplace analytics and monitoring features is being introduced. Teams can now see real-time occupancy, energy, environmental, and facility asset data with this new AI-powered monitoring feature, which will help them make informed decisions and take action to maximize their property portfolios.

Esri ArcGIS

TRIRIGA Location Service for Esri is another significant addition to the Application Suite. Customers may now directly license Esri ArcGIS on Kubernetes from IBM, allowing GIS visualization and TRIRIGA experiences. Through the ability to search for and explore buildings, indoor mapping and navigation give employees and visitors more tools to enhance the occupant experience. Facility managers can view and interact with portfolio data on a map using outdoor GIS, enabling perceptive visual analysis.

Additional notable improvements to TAS include the following new lease accounting features:

  • Situations with Negative Asset Value
  • For scenarios involving prepaid rent, the Net Lease Liability Roll Forward Report
  • Journal Entries to Make Retrospective Adjustments
  • RE Invoice Creation Form Redesign for AR and AP Leases
  • IBR% Changes and Lease Documents in Bulk Upload

By exporting space plan scenarios to PDF for evaluation with important stakeholders, new dynamic space planner functionalities offer improvements to cooperation. Space planners can visualize scenario modifications before they are implemented by connecting to the Stacking App.

Users may work more productively with improvements to the Work Task Services App’s user experience, such as inventory monitoring capabilities and the option to view reservation owner details in the Reservation App to arrange a room change.

v11.6 of the TRIRIGA Application Suite represents a substantial improvement when all of these new features and capabilities are combined. Contact your IBM Business Partner to arrange a discussion about TRIRIGA and v11.6.

TRIRIGA Application Platform

Organizations may quickly configure apps and increase the use and value of IBM TRIRIGA applications by utilizing the graphical and configuration tools provided by the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform solution. Key business systems are interoperable through the use of standards-based technologies, interfaces, and a high-performance workflow process engine.

For quick transaction processing, there is a runtime environment called the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform. The Administrator Console, Document Manager, IBM TRIRIGA Connector for Business programs enabling system integration, and linkage to computer-aided design (CAD) programs are all part of the platform, which also supplies the underlying technology for the IBM TRIRIGA apps. Additionally, a suite of browser-based tools for creating and modifying the applications that IBM TRIRIGA delivers is provided via the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform.

For the purpose of creating UX apps, the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform offers an MVC-based UX framework. The program is divided into three parts or layers using the model-view-controller (MVC) technique: the model, view, and controller. The Polymer collection of reusable web components serves as the foundation for the view layer. The UX framework’s adaptable and modular architecture makes it easier for businesses to meet business objectives while offering a touch-friendly interface, enhanced performance, and an intuitive user interface.

Using the all-inclusive IBM TRIRIGA solution, you can:

  • Set up IBM TRIRIGA programs without modifying the original code.
  • Produce regulatory reports in the same setting as regular business tasks.
  • Cut down on IBM TRIRIGA application implementation and maintenance time and expenses.
  • Provide applications using reliable portals.
  • Upgrade your applications to safeguard special configurations.
  • Change an existing business object and its associated workflows, lifecycle states, and data field definitions.

TRIRIGA Application Suite

What is TRIRIGA application?

TRIRIGA is an IWMS (Integrated Workplace Management System) designed to assist teams in charge of facilities and enterprise real estate in managing assets and portfolios over the course of their lives.

Streamline your facilities and real estate management processes

For most major firms, real estate represents the second-largest financial burden. Businesses are quickly moving toward centralized structures due to a changing operational environment. Enterprise-grade solutions are needed for this in order to save costs and improve responsiveness and efficiency.

Enhancing operational effectiveness requires having access to data from a single source of truth throughout the real estate lifecycle. IBM TRIRIGA provides a comprehensive suite of natively integrated Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS) from a reputable brand that leads the market in functionality, security, and configurability.

TRIRIGA is a fast, flexible, and all-inclusive platform that offers all the applications needed to optimize facility lifecycle performance and get you ready for future requirements.

Thota nithya
Thota nithya
Thota Nithya has been writing Cloud Computing articles for govindhtech from APR 2023. She was a science graduate. She was an enthusiast of cloud computing.

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