Monday, February 10, 2025

Google Cloud Advanced Performance Storage Pools Start Today

Block storage in Cloud

Hyperdisk Advanced Performance Storage Pools

Hyperdisk Storage Pools with Advanced Capacity, which help you reduce the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of your block storage capacity, were made generally available earlier this year. With Hyperdisk Storage Pools with Advanced Performance, Google is introducing that same breakthrough to block storage performance today. Now that you can provision IOPS and throughput aggregately, which Hyperdisk Storage Pools will dynamically allocate as your applications read and write data, you can significantly simplify performance planning and management and greatly boost resource usage.

With the Google Cloud console, you can begin using Advanced Performance Storage Pools right now.

The difficulty lies in allocating an appropriate quantity of performance resources

Clients have reported difficulties in striking a balance between making the most of all of their block storage performance resources and guaranteeing that their workloads have the resources necessary to be successful. This problem stems from what is known as the “sum of peaks” problem. Customers will provision their block storage at the maximum performance they have seen to guarantee that their workloads are never performance starved; nevertheless, in the majority of cases, their disks consume much less than that performance. This indicates that the performance usage of your disks is consistently low.

Utilizing Advanced Performance Storage Pools, reduce TCO by 40–50%

To address this issue, Google created Advanced Performance for Hyperdisk Storage Pools. You may now achieve high performance utilization and successful workloads simultaneously with Advanced Performance Storage Pools. When you provision performance in aggregate in a Hyperdisk Storage Pool with Advanced Performance, the Storage Pool intelligently divides those resources among the disks in the Pool as required. All without altering the behavior of drives, allowing your applications to function normally. Without compromising application success or resource efficiency, you can now more easily plan for your performance requirements and reduce your total cost of ownership.

To show how Hyperdisk Storage Pools with Advanced Performance can reduce your total cost of ownership, let’s examine a few workloads. Consider two workloads: a database workload that needs 75K IOPS at peak (such as when quarterly reports are due) but only 35K at steady state, and an enterprise application suite that needs 25K IOPS at peak (such as when all users are signed in simultaneously) but only 10K at steady state.

Since these workloads’ steady state performance would be around half of their allocated performance, they would function at 40–45% performance utilization outside of a pool. But because a Hyperdisk Storage Pool with Advanced Performance’s dynamic resource allocation guarantees that these workloads operate at about 80% utilization, the customer can supply far lower performance resources and reduce their TCO from 40–55% without modifying their applications.

WorkloadPerformance RequirementsGCP Storage PoolsAlternative Cloud ProviderPools TCO Savings
Enterprise applicationsPeak IOPS: 25KAvg IOPS: 10KPeak Tput: 400 MiB/sAvg Tput: 160 MiB/s$33K/mo.$74K/mo.55%
Databases (e.g. SQL Server)Peak IOPS: 75KAvg IOPS: 35KPeak Tput:  1.2 GiB/sAvg Tput:  560 MiB/s$15K/Mo.$25K/Mo.40%
Price:IOPs – $.0095Throughput – $.076$81.92 / TiBIncludes: 1 TiB capacity, 5K IOPS, 200 MiB/s

Plan ahead and simplify block storage performance

A major advancement in performance resource provisioning is Advanced Performance Storage Pools. Infrastructure managers have historically had to decide between risking application failure by optimizing operational efficiency or accepting poor utilization. This implies that they must take on significant managerial effort and actively oversee each volume’s success.

Block storage performance management is made easy with Hyperdisk Advanced Performance Storage Pools. An Advanced Performance Storage Pool’s disk IOPS and throughput are “thin-provisioned.” To put it another way, you can provision up to five times the IOPS and throughput in a pool to the disks in the pool while maintaining resource-neutral performance at the disk level.

This results in great efficiency (because you no longer need to actively manage the IOPS and Throughput allocated to each disk) and eases deployment planning (since you no longer need to guess precisely what performance demands each disk should have). All you have to do is build the disks you need, as performanta as possible, and allow the Advanced Performance Storage Pool to provide resources as needed.

Early adopters of Advanced Performance Storage Pools, like REWE, have recognized the benefits of the product.

Start now

The same process used to create Hyperdisk Storage Pools can also be used to start Hyperdisk Advanced Performance Storage Pools. Go to Compute Engine by logging into the Google Cloud dashboard and selecting Storage. Next, establish your Storage Pool, choose Advanced Performance as the volume type (Balanced or Throughput), and enter the entire capacity and performance that the pool will require. Starting with the creation of new Hyperdisk volumes, you may start using the pool’s capacity as well as the extra advantage of dynamically sharing performance across your resources.

We believe that Advanced Performance Storage Pools will significantly enhance your ability to manage and get the optimal performance of your applications. The regions and zones that will receive Hyperdisk Advanced Performance Storage Pools are now being served. Start using Advanced Performance Storage Pools right now by opening the Google Cloud dashboard and navigating through Google Cloud’s documentation to establish, use, and maintain your pools.

Thota nithya
Thota nithya
Thota Nithya has been writing Cloud Computing articles for govindhtech from APR 2023. She was a science graduate. She was an enthusiast of cloud computing.

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