Friday, January 17, 2025

Embedded Dashboards Are Possible With Amazon QuickSight

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Embedded dashboards

Sharing views of Embedded dashboard is now supported by Amazon QuickSight. With the help of this functionality, you may provide your application with integrated QuickSight dashboards greater collaboration possibilities. You may also allow customization features for anonymous users, such bookmarks.

Embedding Quicksight Dashboard

Utilize dashboard or console embedding to establish a shareable link to your application page with QuickSight’s reference using the QuickSight Embedding SDK, or share a unique URL that shows just your modifications while you’re still in the application. Readers of QuickSight may then forward this shareable link to their colleagues. Their peer is sent to the application page with the integrated QuickSight dashboard when they click on the shared link.

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The integrated dashboard sharing view is now supported by Amazon QuickSight. With the help of this functionality, developers may provide their application with integrated QuickSight dashboards greater collaboration possibilities. They may also activate customization features for anonymous users, including bookmarks.

This feature makes it simple for readers of Embedded dashboard to participate. While still in the application, they may exchange a special URL that only shows their modifications. The application developer may communicate this intent to QuickSight SDK so that an embedded dashboard reader can share their view with another application user. This will provide a shareable reference to the embedded dashboard’s current state. Developers may load that specific shared state into the QuickSight dashboard when another reader clicks on that shareable link.

Quicksight Embedded Dashboard

QuickSight developers may enable users of Embedded dashboard to receive and exchange links to their view of an embedded dashboard by using the Amazon QuickSight Embedding SDK (version 2.8.0 and above). Using the QuickSight Embedding SDK, developers may encapsulate QuickSight’s reference and create a shared link to their application page via dashboard or console embedding.

QuickSight dashboard

Readers of QuickSight may then forward this shareable link to their colleagues. Their peer is sent to the application page with the integrated QuickSight dashboard when they click on the shared link. When utilizing anonymous embedding, developers may additionally create and save shareable URLs to dashboard views that anonymous QuickSight users can use as bookmarks.

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Amazon QuickSight, a cutting-edge cloud-powered business intelligence solution, now lets users share integrated dashboard views, improving user experience. This improvement streamlines data visualization and insights across teams and departments, empowering organizations. In this detailed post, They explain this feature, how it works, and its many benefits to companies.

Amazon QuickSight Embedded Dashboards

A cloud-based tool like Amazon QuickSight provides strong data analytics to help enterprises get actionable insights. Its ability to incorporate interactive dashboards into websites, apps, and portals is popular. These integrated dashboards provide real-time data interaction and better decision-making.

An embedded dashboard?

Interactive Embedded dashboard may be implemented into websites or business applications. By integrating these dashboards, enterprises can provide users and consumers real data and insights without leaving their platform. SaaS apps, client portals, and business solutions that require data accessibility benefit from this.

The Value of Dashboard Sharing

Users of Embedded dashboard could only access data in its embedded context before the newest version. While effective, the inability to share individual views or insights directly with other users was a problem, especially in collaborative situations. Amazon QuickSight’s new sharing features let users effortlessly share Embedded dashboard views with colleagues, customers, and stakeholders.

The Sharing Function of Amazon QuickSight

Amazon QuickSight’s new sharing function promotes simplicity. How it works:

Start by Customizing Your Dashboard: Users must first create or access an integrated dashboard to share. QuickSight lets users customize dashboards to match corporate requirements with many possibilities. Users may display essential data using charts, graphs, and tables.

Create Shareable Link: Users may create a shared link for a dashboard view after setting up the dashboard. Share this link to access the dashboard with all filters and settings retained. This feature aids insight sharing in meetings, presentations, and joint initiatives.

Manage Access and Permissions: Sharing data requires security and privacy. Control dashboard access using Amazon QuickSight’s sharing function. Set permissions to restrict shared view access to approved users. This protects sensitive data while enabling efficient cooperation.

Evaluate and Improve: Users may get comments and customize the dashboard after sharing. The dashboards are interactive and updated in real time, so data changes are quickly reflected in the shared view. This iterative method lets teams update their thoughts and tactics using the latest data.

Amazon QuickSight View Sharing Benefits

Sharing features in Amazon QuickSight’s integrated dashboards may alter data and collaboration in businesses.

Improved Team Collaboration

Amazon QuickSight improves teamwork by letting users share integrated dashboard displays. Sharing dashboards keeps everyone in sync, whether marketing is sharing campaign success metrics with sales or IT is sharing operational data with management. This improves coordination and strategy.

Better Decision-Making Real-time data is essential for educated decision-making. Decision-makers may immediately access essential information with the new sharing option, even if they did not develop the dashboard. Data democratization lets companies make faster, data-driven choices that boost profits.

Streamlined Stakeholder Communication

Sending integrated dashboard views to customers or investors is now simpler than ever. Instead of sending static reports or data files, enterprises may provide stakeholders real data. This saves time and gives stakeholders the latest information, making talks more transparent and effective.

Greater Data Access

Sharing features in Amazon QuickSight eliminate data silos between teams and departments. Making dashboards more available throughout the enterprise may reduce information barriers and promote data-driven culture. Access to data allows all workers to use it in their everyday job.

Safe Data Sharing

Amazon QuickSight protects data sharing despite increasing accessibility. Setting permissions for shared views lets users manage access. Although communication improves, sensitive data stays secure.

Shared Embedded Dashboard Use Cases

Sharing integrated dashboard displays expands industry and use case possibilities:

SaaS Apps: Embedded dashboard let SaaS customers access vital data without leaving the app. With the sharing option, SaaS companies may let users share insights with their colleagues, boosting service value.

E-commerce platforms: Sharing integrated dashboards that monitor sales, inventory, and consumer behavior benefits e-commerce enterprises. E-commerce enterprises may improve supply chain efficiency and consumer experience by sharing these dashboards with suppliers or partners.

Financial Services: Shared dashboards allow financial organizations to provide customers real-time access to portfolios, investment performance, and market trends. Transparency builds client connections and trust.

Internal Business Reporting:Sharing dashboards across divisions simplifies internal reporting. HR may integrate HR objectives with business goals by sharing employee performance or diversity dashboards with management.


Amazon QuickSight’s integrated dashboards’ sharing features improve data accessibility and collaboration. Amazon QuickSight helps companies make data-driven choices faster by letting users share dashboard views. For internal usage or sharing insights with external stakeholders, this functionality boosts Amazon QuickSight’s business intelligence value.

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Thota nithya
Thota nithya
Thota Nithya has been writing Cloud Computing articles for govindhtech from APR 2023. She was a science graduate. She was an enthusiast of cloud computing.

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