We’re going to talk about what elastic load balancing is in this blog. Types, drawbacks and Benefits Of Elastic Load Balancing of elastic load balancing.
What is elastic load balancing?
Your incoming application traffic is automatically divided among all of your operating EC2 instances via Elastic Load Balancing. Elastic load balancing optimizes traffic routing to avoid overloading any instance. Add the load balancer to your Auto Scaling group for Elastic Load Balancing. This registers the group with the load balancer, which handles all web traffic for your Auto Scaling group.
Elastic Load Balancing with Auto Scaling does not require EC2 instance registration. Your Auto Scaling group launches instances that the load balancer registers. Similarly, instances are immediately deregistered from the load balancer when they are terminated by your Auto Scaling group.
Once a load balancer has been added to your Auto Scaling group, you can set it up to scale the number of instances in the group in response to changes in demand using Elastic Load Balancing metrics (like the Application Load Balancer request count per target).
To enable Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to detect and replace unhealthy instances based on these extra health checks, you can optionally add Elastic Load Balancing health checks to your Auto Scaling group.
How Elastic Load Balancing works?
Amazon offers a solution called the elastic load balancer that effectively and automatically divides incoming traffic among a collection of backend servers to improve speed and performance. It secures your apps and helps to increase their scalability. You can set up health checks for the registered targets using the load balancer. The load balancer won’t direct traffic to any of the registered targets (Autoscaling group) if they don’t pass the health check. so guaranteeing the fault tolerance and high availability of your application.
Benefits of Elastic Load Balancing
- To attain high availability, ELB automatically divides incoming application traffic among several targets, including IP addresses, EC2 instances, and containers.
- You can keep your application’s performance constant by using its ability to scale automatically to meet variations in traffic demand.
- It has the ability to track the health of its registered targets and only direct traffic to those that are in good health.
- It enhances fault tolerance by distributing traffic uniformly over a region’s availability zones.
Elastic Load Balancing Disadvantages
- Because traffic must first travel via the load balancer before being directed to your targets, ELB may cause your application to run more slowly.
- Because of its limited customization options, you might need to employ other tools and services to satisfy the needs of your application.
- Your application architecture may become more complex as a result, necessitating the management and upkeep of extra resources.
- It may raise your total AWS expenses, particularly if you need numerous load balancers or have huge traffic levels.
Elastic Load Balancing types
Elastic Load Balancing includes application, network, gateway, and conventional load balancers for Auto Scaling groups.
Load balancer configurations vary greatly. Application, network, and gateway load balancers send traffic to target instances. Instances are registered directly with the load balancer when using classic load balancers.
Application Load Balancer
Enables path-based routing and performs load balancing and routing at the application layer (HTTP/HTTPS). In a virtual private cloud (VPC), an application load balancer can direct requests to ports on one or more registered targets, like EC2 instances.
Network Load Balancer
Using address data taken from the Layer-4 header, the transport layer (TCP/UDP Layer-4) routes and balances traffic. Network load balancers are able to manage spikes in traffic, maintain the client’s source IP, and use a fixed IP for the duration of the load balancer’s life.
Gateway Load Balancer
Distributes traffic among numerous instances of appliances. gives third-party virtual appliances like firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and other appliances scalability, availability, and ease of use. The GENEVE protocol is supported by virtual appliances that are used with gateway load balancers. Before selecting a Gateway Load Balancer, be sure to refer to the user manual since additional technical integration is necessary.
Classic Load Balancer
Either at the application layer (HTTP/HTTPS) or at the transport layer (TCP/SSL) for routing and load balancing.