Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Principal Advantages Of The Storage Pool + Hyperdisk On GKE

Do you want to pay less for storing GKE blocks? Storage Pool for Hyperdisks may assist
Whether you’re managing GKE clusters, conventional virtual machines, or both, it’s critical to automate as many of your operational chores as you can in an economical way.

Pool Storage

Hyperdisk Storage Pool are a pre-purchased collection of capacity, throughput, and IOPS that you can then supply to your applications as required. Hyperdisk is a next-generation network connected block storage solution. Hyperdisk block storage disks allow you to optimize operations and costs by sharing capacity and performance across all the disks in a pool when you put them in storage pools. Hyperdisk Storage Pools may reduce your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) associated with storage by up to 30–50%, and as of Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) 1.29.2, they can be used on GKE!

Thin provisioning in Storage Pool makes this feasible by enabling you to use the capacity that is allocated inside the pool only when data is written, not when pool disks are provided. Rather of provisioning each disk for peak demand regardless of whether it ever experiences that load, capacity, IOPS, and throughput are bought at the pool level and used by the disks in the pool on an as-needed basis, enabling you to share resources as needed:

Why is Hyperdisk used?

Hyperdisk, the next generation of Google Cloud persistent block storage, is different from conventional persistent disks in that it permits control of throughput and IOPS in addition to capacity. Additionally, even after the disks are first configured, you may adjust their performance to match your specific application requirements, eliminating extra capacity and enabling cost savings.

Hyperdisk use
Image Credit Google Cloud

How about Storage Pool?

In contrast, storage pools allow you to share a thinly-provisioned capacity pool across many Hyperdisks in a single project that are all located in the same zone, or “Advanced Capacity” Storage Pool. Rather to using storage capacity that is provided, you buy the capacity up front and just use it for data that is written. Throughput and IOPS may be adjusted in a similar manner in a storage pool referred to as “Advanced Capacity & Advanced Performance.”

Combining Hyperdisk with Storage Pools reduces the total cost of ownership (TCO) for block storage by shifting management responsibilities from the disk level to the pool level, where all disks within the pool absorb changes. A Storage Pool is a zonal resource with a minimum capacity of 10TB and requires a hyperdisk of the same kind (throughput or balanced).

Storage Pool
Image Credit To Google Cloud


Storage Pool + Hyperdisk on GKE

Hyperdisk Balanced boot disks and Hyperdisk Balanced or Hyperdisk Throughput attached disks may now be created on GKE nodes within Storage Pool, as of GKE 1.29.2.

Let’s imagine you want to be able to adjust the performance to suit your workload for a demanding stateful application that is executing in us-central-a. You decide to use Hyperdisk Balanced for the workload’s block storage. You employ a Hyperdisk Balanced Advanced Capacity, Advanced Performance Storage Pools in place of trying to right-size each disk in your application. The capacity and performance are paid for beforehand.

Pool performance is used up when the disks in the storage pool notice an increase in IOPS or throughput, while pool capacity is only used up when your application writes data to the disks. Prior to creating the Hyperdisks inside the Storage Pool(s) must be created.

Google Cloud Hyperdisk

Use the following gcloud command to establish an Advanced Capacity, Advanced Performance StoragePools:

gcloud compute storage-pools create pool-us-central1-a --provisioned-capacity=10tb --storage-pool-type=hyperdisk-balanced --zone=us-central1-a --project=my-project-id --capacity-provisioning-type=advanced --performance-provisioning-type=advanced --provisioned-iops=10000 --provisioned-throughput=1024

The Pantheon UI may also be used to construct Storage Pools.

You may also provide your node boot disks in the storage pool if your GKE nodes are utilizing Hyperdisk Balanced as their boot drives. This may be set up at cluster or node-pool construction, as well as during node-pool updates. You may use the Pantheon UI or the following gcloud command to provide your Hyperdisk Balanced node boot drives in your Storage Pool upon cluster setup. Keep in mind that your Storage Pool has to be established in the same zone as your cluster and that the machine type of the nodes needs to support Hyperdisk Balanced.

You must use the storage-pools StorageClass argument to define your Storage Pool in order to deploy the Hyperdisk Balanced disks that your stateful application uses in it. The Hyperdisk Balanced volume that your application will utilize is then provisioned using a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) that uses the StorageClass.

The provisioned-throughput-on-create and provisioned-iops-on-create parameters are optional and may be specified by the StorageClass. The volume will default to 3000 IOPS and 140Mi throughput if provisioned-throughput-on-create and provisioned-iops-on-create are left empty. Any IOPS or Throughput from the StoragePool will only be used by IOPS and Throughput values that exceed these preset levels.

Google Hyperdisk

  • The allowed IOPS and throughput figures vary based on the size of the drive.
    • Only 40 MiB of throughput and 1000 IOPS will be used by volumes allocated with this StorageClass from the Storage Pools.
  • Next, create a PVC with a reference to the StorageClass storage-pools-sc.
    • The pooling-storage-sc When a Pod utilizing the PVC is formed, Storage Class’s Volume Binding Mode: Wait For First Consumer is used, delaying the binding and provisioning of a Persistent Volume.
    • Finally, utilize the aforementioned PVC to include these Hyperdisk Volumes into your Stateful application. It is necessary to schedule your application to a node pool that has computers capable of attaching Hyperdisk Balanced.
  • NodeSelectors are used in the Postgres deployment to make sure that pods are scheduled to nodes that allow connecting Hyperdisk Balanced, or C3 machine types.
    • You ought now be able to see that your storage pools has your Hyperdisk Balanced volume deployed.

Next actions

For your stateful applications, you may optimize storage cost reductions and efficiency by using a Storage Pools + Hyperdisk approach for GKE.

Thota nithya
Thota nithya
Thota Nithya has been writing Cloud Computing articles for govindhtech from APR 2023. She was a science graduate. She was an enthusiast of cloud computing.

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